Yeah I think that sounds right. The other mentions of Mint here seem particularly suitable for this situation.
Yeah I think that sounds right. The other mentions of Mint here seem particularly suitable for this situation.
To try pop os, they have a separate iso already including all the Nvidia stuff. It works great, rock solid, seamless. (You’ll see info about their new cosmic DE, and I think it will eventually be good, but I wouldn’t suggest trying it now, especially for a new person. It’s not ready for non-enthusiast use, and mixing it with their current Gnome-based DE introduced some small issues for me.)
your average black rubber oring isn the same material
That has got to be the most amazing typo I’ve seen in a while. This comment seems legit and knowledgeable. So, did they mean is the same material, or isn’t !!???
(Context says they mean isn, but still, it’s a fantastic typo)
Gnome and KDE are two different “desktop environments”. Each distro has a default desktop environment (DE for short), but it’s like a regular application that you can swap out for a different one that does the same thing. The DE is (roughly, I think) the graphical interface to the operating system. So it can feel like the DE is the operating system (especially on Windows or Mac, which don’t have options to change the DE).
Most Linux distros, and certainly all of the beginner friendly ones, make it relatively easy to switch to a different DE. (Or, so I’ve heard. I’ve been using Linux as my daily driver for I’ve a decade, and I barely understand what’s involve in installing a new DE.)
Board gamers watch videos about board games too!
This is the comment that best explains it for me. I started with vim for comfort (less movement to mouse, and less reliance on modifier keys). The editing grammar is something I didn’t really understand until I started gradually using it, but now it’s the thing I most appreciate. I don’t know if I’m necessarily faster in vim, but my work is more fluid. The editing doesn’t interrupt my thinking as much.
The pineapple is already digesting the pizza. Win win.
The meme leaves out the very important detail that most of the researchers working “for free” in the first panel are definitely getting paid, and usually by public funding (public universities and/or grants from taxpayer-funded institutions like NIH, NSF, etc.). That’s a big part of what makes it a scam.
“I committed them to memory… I forgot.” I think about this every time I forget something, which is a lot.
Wild thing about this picture is that Wikipedia is basically the only permanent place it can be found. The post there says it’s from Getty, with a link, but that link is now broken. SNL sure isn’t letting this footage out. From the WP article: all the rebroadcasts of that episode use footage from the rehearsals, where she held up a different picture and didn’t tear it up.
Is this a rhetorical question? One very very strong password that is never passed to a third party, managing a separate passwords that do have to be sent over the internet, is definitely a better strategy. It makes 2FA redundant for the majority of standard threat models, and that’s why bitwarden includes support for those timings too.
Evangelicals finding new ways to reach the unsaved.
Let me introduce you to your personal savior, cast iron.
I’m glad this got left up, because it doesn’t seem like a rule violation to me. It benefits at least some other community members, like me, who didn’t know there were any options at all for a TV launcher.
Yeah, you have to wait until other people are ready to switch. I just mention signal each time one of my friends complains about Facebook owning Whatsapp, and eventually some of them switch. I don’t know that about the ads, but I guess I’m not surprised.
Maybe you know, but since 2016 whatsapp uses the same open-source encryption technology developed by the signal foundation. This means, on the one hand, that most user content is protected from facebook by encryption that it does not control, and on the other hand that the signal app (also made by the signal foundation) is a readily-available replacement for whatsapp when people are ready to switch.
Hahaha, that’s great! And it explains why the cat looks like it knows what it’s doing.
I’m trying niagara now, and it seems like I can’t put the Lemmy web app into a popup folder, because I can only choose items for a folder from the list of installed apps. That’s a little annoying, but maybe I’ll get used to it. And maybe there will be a good Lemmy app soon.
I wonder if some people are mad about this because they read it as “please come take care of my stuff, and pay me for it”. I read it as “Do you want to rent in the area? I am willing to give you a steep discount if you also take care of my dog.”
I came here to post this video, because it’s really great. For anyone who cares to separate the myth from the reality: it’s worth your time. She’s honest, and realistic, without being mean or hyperbolic. (Ok, but maybe a liiiiittle sarcasm, as a treat!)