Just got a new work phone: Galaxy S22. Wanted a pixel but it was out of stock in our internal allocation. Already tired of samsung’s UI and interested in something new.
So what do you like? Bonus points if it works with android enterprise’s profile mode dual app drawers.
I’ve been using nova launcher prime since forever. Make a backup on my old phone when getting a new one, and import it on the new phone.
How do you feel about nova launcher being bought out by that data collection company?
:( I used Nova Prime for many years, and I don’t like this one bit. I hope that the devs got a good payout, and best wishes to them, but it makes me uncomfortable. Luckily, while it’s definitely no Nova, Samsung’s launcher has finally on the most recent version gotten to a point of usability. Everything is more awkward to do, and you have to install extra Samsung apps (Good Lock with applets) for a lot of the customization, but most of my favorite features from Nova are finally there. So, for the first time in many years, I’m running the Samsung default OneUI 5.1.
Wait you don’t think Samsung is collecting your data?
Yes, I do think they are, but by choosing a Samsung smartphone, I’ve already decided to be OK with that on some level. I turn off features that connect to outside companies for the most part, and I’ve chosen to believe that Samsung does what it claims with the settings that users have available to them on the phone. It doesn’t mean that I’m just fine with handing everything over to any other random company. Samsung states that they use Branch for searches inside their Galaxy Store. Some claims have been made that Branch powers the Finder (search) function on Samsung phones (althugh I can’t find confirmation), but this Finder Customization Service is a feature you can disable on a Samsung Galaxy phone. You can also turn off search suggestions for Finder and disable it’s ability to open links. You can disable Google and Samsung’s browsers and Internet searches as well.I am the sort of user who checks permissions of apps before downloading them (and disables everything I don’t use), and I don’t want my launcher (which I paid for) on a device I paid a not small sum of money for, to send every single tap back to a marketing firm directly.
I’m still using Nova and still loving it… I’ve been using android since 2014 run by one of the biggest data collection companies known to man lol
I absolutely love Nova Launcher Pro. Easy to get to what I need. Also integrates with sesame and Delta icon pack.
KISS Launcher for me. Minimal UI so you can see your wallpaper, decent search and open source. I’m surprised there aren’t more mentions of it here actually.
Same here, fast, clean and simple.
I second this
Giving it a try now - seems great so far!
I’ve been using Nova for years and I have no complaints.
Nova Launcher Prime. The only one I stuck too, and never managed to leave.
NOVA. Every single time I’ve tried an alternate launcher, I always return to NOVA within 24 hours.
Use Lawn Chair
Long time user of lawnchair (4+ years), never felt like changing it to anything else, it works amazingly well.
Been using Lawn Chair for the past year or so. Looks good, does what I want and stays out of my way the rest of the time. Top marks for me.
It’s also FOSS and respects your privacy. Also very lightweight.
Nova launcher, made this with it
Also Nova. I’m pretty sure that Google and Samsung copied features from it for their official UI over the years. It’s always been forward thinking and extremely customizable for the use experience.
You’re on a fediverse app, you should know that Nova was the center of some controversy when they sold to a company that is likely harvesting and selling user data. Many have left Nova.
Nova too, nice homepage, I have the same icon pack but on a boring 4x4 grid :)
Neo launcher for me. it’s on fdroid.
it’s not perfect and can get buggy, but once you set it up, and don’t mess with the settings too much. it’s acceptable replacement for Nova launcher.
Had nova prime, but switched after the buyout
… what buyout?
Branch, an analytics company.
Yeah… What buyout? I have it in Graphene, with no permissions granted and only as a secondary launcher while i was considering my options, since Neo sometimes doesn’t update new installed apps for a while…
It was bought by a data analytics company last summer, unfortunately.
Branch, an analytics company.
I like the look of Neo but it seems to crash once or twice a month for me, and resets my home home screen layout every time.
I’ve been using smart-launcher for years now, and it’s what I’m used to, gestures and a nice app menu that automtically categorises applications is nice.
Seconding Smart Launcher. Automatic categorization beats pretty much every other feature I can think of in a launcher.
I try to treat my devices as commitments as far as spending but disposable as far as usage habits and not having invent my own categories helps me just USE my phone instead of playing with it.
I use Niagara Launcher mostly for the minimalist look. But also because Nova was bought by an analytics company a bit ago.
I like Kavaesito a lot. Found Here
Since gestures don’t work with 3rd party launchers, I am stuck with the default one. Hope Google fixes this issue.
Which phone?
I am not aware of any phone where gertures works well with 3rd party launchers.
Which gestures do you mean? Like edge swipes for back and swipe up for home? Works fine for me, Pixel6P using Total Launcher.
They work but not as smooth as stock launcher. Recents screen will always be handled by the stock launcher regardless what launcher you use.
Ah ok, thanks, I should try the stock launcher just to compare the smoothness. Or maybe I shouldn’t so I don’t get conflicted! :-)
Probably you shouldn’t if you are happy with your current setup.
Lol, agreed!
I love Niagara Launcher. simple, yet very effective.