ゴースト Go–TsuTo
ス is su
ツ is tsu
I’m sorry
And I’ve heard the majority of his kids are IVF/surrogate… does Leon even fuck?
“…from one sex to another…”
Sounds to me like he’s saying there’s more than two!
And I’ve personally witnessed the fire marshal annually inspect my last 3 jobs. I may not have been present for the inspections at other jobs.
He can have the Bog of Eternal Stench.
It’s Bozo the clown’s clown girlfriend with whom he cheated on his wife. Now they cosplay rural Americans in photoshoots with pickup trucks and cowboy hats to seem relatable because having a super yacht that has its own yacht is pretty goddamn extravagant.
I’m glad you had the means and ability to get your daughter out and you’re a good parent for prioritizing her safety and well being.
Sorry to be annoying but you emigrate from and immigrate to.
“Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice was founded in 1987 by Marcus, a skinhead from New York City. It emerged as a response by suburban adolescents to the bigotry of the growing White Power Movement in 1982. Traditional skinheads (Trads) formed as a way to show that the skinhead subculture was not based on racism and political extremism.”
Also OPM was that Heaven is a Halfpipe band.
If I die before I wake/ at least in heaven I can skate/ 'cause right now on Earth I can’t do shit/ without the man fucking with it.
Costco pharmacy near me was selling levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive for $6/dose as of a couple weeks ago.
Everything’s different in my world, Let me explain!
🎶 I look at things in a different
Uhhh actually it was Red #4, man obviously
It’s the scissors that can be less than four inches; it says no knives of any length.
If you’re talking about tsa: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/multi-tools
In general, you are prohibited from traveling with sharp objects in your carry-on bags. Multi-tools (multipurpose tools) with knives of any length are prohibited. Please pack these items in your checked bags. Multi-tools (multipurpose tools) with scissors less than 4 inches may be placed in carry-on bags.
but don’t forget (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
The final decision rests with the TSA officer on whether an item is allowed through the checkpoint.