I buy Madden on sale every 2 years. Last year was the first time I bought it new since Madden 25. Same game with betterish graphics
I buy Madden on sale every 2 years. Last year was the first time I bought it new since Madden 25. Same game with betterish graphics
PS3 NCAA 14 blows next gen Madden out of the water. It’s not even close.
I’m joking of course, but yeah that should be what happens. Worked in the school system and seen that “WTF are you serious?” look in school staff meetings hearing stupid stuff like this get implemented. I actually left because I had enough of dealing with these parents who make this happen and dealing with them was just too much.
Emails, calls, people would come in, they were in the PTA, just always around harassing people over the most petty things. I can’t tell you how many grown adults I’ve seen meltdown in a school front office. The pay sucked, some of the parents were awful , but working with kids was awesome.
I can believe this. I see jobs for like $12 an hr that requires a drug test and a background check. Definitely been lucky enough to not have to go through it, or have anyone care if I did.
I’d most certainly get a call from the school.
"It says on this form that you want your child to go by Deez at school, can you explain?
"Yeah Deez nuts, stop wasting time with this nonsense "
Klaus from the Life Aquatic of Team Zissou is the first thing that came to mind reading this.
1 in 6 is a little shocking.
The damage from these clowns is already done.
I like a less cluttered Android experience and I felt like I was wasting time removing it. That I like collecting fun cellphones.
I was wanting to get a larger foldable but didn’t because I didn’t want the size. I already own a tablet and the more I thought about it seemed pointless.
I took the dive, got one and it’s awesome. I browse Lemmy 95% of the time on my outer screen. I went with Motorola Razor+ because I’m not the biggest Samsung fan and I totally impulse bought it. Unless it’s something that demands I open my phone, I don’t really, and that was what got me to get it. Without the outside screen I probably wouldn’t have gotten it, but totally glad I did.
This was the link that was posted to donate and think you might be right on visibility.
I think that might be it. Because they only read, talk and deal with that.
Oh I’m aware why people gripes. Almost all the biggest threads I’ve seen are about it, memes, just and endless wave of it. It’s just a trip to see the Lemmy Patreon with 484 people subscribed to it with this many people on Lemmy.
You take any topic, with passionate fans and they’ll defend it. A lot of it probably from the backlash was the first thing they saw.
I’ll keep it real, I paid for Sync because of the decade history with that app and plan on doing the same (a post linked a way to do it) with the instance I’m in. I see me being on Lemmy a lot and looking forward to keeping the positive vibes going.
Yeah that sounds about right.
It’s a decent sized screen on the outside.
I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it threw me off how short the donation list over $10 is and how many people donate on Patreon (obviously not the only way to donate). Thanks for the donation information!
I know a couple people that ride the Trump train pretty hard and 100% yes. It blows my mind that people actually believe this as unbiased news and any conversation leads to just repeating the same thing.
The Lion King crushed my dreams as a child. Game Gear, SNES, didn’t matter my little brain was done after the first level.