Years ago I inherited my wife’s family’s Game Gear. After a recap, and replacing the backlight, I started tracking down games to play on it. It’s been great exploring a whole library of games that I skipped out on as a kid! (I was a Nintendo kid) Now I have a nice little library of carts to play on this beast of a 90’s handheld.
The Lion King crushed my dreams as a child. Game Gear, SNES, didn’t matter my little brain was done after the first level.
I kept hearing it was a “hidden gem”, but was honestly kind of disappointed with it. The music is great and the game is okay, but I think every other Disney licensed game I’ve tracked down so far for the Game Gear is better than the Lion King.
why not alphabetically sorted
I prefer sorting by the average of their combined color codes. Starting with the ones closest to the mean then moving outwards.
Sonic Spinball
Oh god, I’m so fucking sorry. Do you have like a donation page for your therapy bills or something.
It’s not a bad game, it’s just that it’s full of insta-death, has no pause or save features, and there is no Continue screen should you fail. If we stopped because we were being called to dinner, it meant having to play…the whole…game…again…all the way from the start. Proudly, we did eventually beat it, but mother of fuck
Sonic 2 was STUPID difficult compared to the other Game Gear Sanic games.
Dynamite Headdy was stellar for its time, too.
Yoooo primal rage tho love that one