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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2024


  • Rich people outbid regular folks for real resources (homes), taking away any chance at intergenerational wealth building. the only (legal) answer at the moment is taxation of the rich.

    Gary Stevenson has some worthwhile insights on what we can do and how to convince working class people that the rich must be stopped or else your kids and grandkids will all be homeless renters.

    inequality is sharply risinh all around the world. and it’s getting worse. this is arguably the most important issue of our time.

  • this is a well written article, worth the time to read imo.

    if anyone reading this has even a passing interest in Graeber, debt theory, and the effects of wealth distribution on societies, I highly recommend Gary Stevenson.

    Gary came from a working class family and essentially got rich betting on collapse and inequality getting worse. now he spends his entire waking life fighting inequality and advocating for increase taxes on the ultra rich.

  • agree completely. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why this simple defiance is so difficult for some people. I figure it’s because they fear social consequences (what will people think of me as a rule breaker?!) or they fear economic consequences (I could lose my job and ability to support my family!).

    what’s interesting is that the solution to both reasons/excuses is having a strong social support network and solidarity with others who would help you when you stumble. modern individualism and desperation has made people so isolated and fearful of being mis-perceived and has made us less powerful to stand up for what we (collectively) know is the right thing to do.

  • the Cold War was a free printing money machine for 50 years. creating a new one against China makes sense if you’re an oligarch whose wealth rides upon govt contracts and endless military industrial expansionism.

    and it kinda explains why Trump is courting the US to make him believe they’ll choose him over China in a game of saber rattling. Russia is positioning itself to be the tie-breaker so it can play both sides against one another in lucrative energy/arms deals. maybe they’ll even get some real estate out of it.

  • on a sorta related note: the Enclosure Movement was one of the most transformational developments in western history responsible for shaping the modern world as we know it today, giving rise to land-based power dynasties central to feudalism, aristocratic control, and eventually definitions for what we understand today to be “private property” as enshrined in common law in civil society.

    it was essentially the biggest land grab to ever occur at the time under the pretense of Law, and it under pins the Industrial Revolution and transition to wage based economies (ie, capitalism). it also established much of the legal precedent used by colonizers for hundreds of years to take away land from native peoples and the poor living off unenclosed lands.

    anyone interested in some of the earliest examples of anti-landlord resistance in European history, it’s worth diving into.

  • Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down


    In 1649 To St. George’s Hill A ragged band they called the Diggers Came to show the people’s will

    They defied the landlords They defied the laws They were the dispossessed Reclaiming what was theirs

    “We come in peace,” they said "To dig and sow We come to work the lands in common And to make the waste grounds grow This earth divided We will make whole So it will be A common treasury for all

    The sin of property We do disdain No man has any right to buy and sell The earth for private gain

    By theft and murder They took the land Now everywhere the walls Spring up at their command

    They make the laws To chain us well The clergy dazzle us with heaven Or they damn us into hell

    We will not worship The God they serve The God of greed who feeds the rich While poor men starve

    We work we eat together We need no swords We will not bow to the masters Or pay rent to the lords We are free men Though we are poor You Diggers all stand up for glory Stand up now