on a sorta related note:
the Enclosure Movement was one of the most transformational developments in western history responsible for shaping the modern world as we know it today, giving rise to land-based power dynasties central to feudalism, aristocratic control, and eventually definitions for what we understand today to be “private property” as enshrined in common law in civil society.
it was essentially the biggest land grab to ever occur at the time under the pretense of Law, and it under pins the Industrial Revolution and transition to wage based economies (ie, capitalism). it also established much of the legal precedent used by colonizers for hundreds of years to take away land from native peoples and the poor living off unenclosed lands.
anyone interested in some of the earliest examples of anti-landlord resistance in European history, it’s worth diving into.
on a sorta related note: the Enclosure Movement was one of the most transformational developments in western history responsible for shaping the modern world as we know it today, giving rise to land-based power dynasties central to feudalism, aristocratic control, and eventually definitions for what we understand today to be “private property” as enshrined in common law in civil society.
it was essentially the biggest land grab to ever occur at the time under the pretense of Law, and it under pins the Industrial Revolution and transition to wage based economies (ie, capitalism). it also established much of the legal precedent used by colonizers for hundreds of years to take away land from native peoples and the poor living off unenclosed lands.
anyone interested in some of the earliest examples of anti-landlord resistance in European history, it’s worth diving into.