Fuckin’ asshats!
Fuckin’ asshats!
Well at least they are taking Trump’s evisceration of our democracy, society, and economy seriously. /s
Weird…usually no one cares so long as the stock price goes up. Or he’s fucking children…and even then these companies take a “wait and see” attitude.
I recognize that you are asking about European place names but how humans named things in North America might give some insight. A really great book on how places got their names in the US is Names on the Land: a historical account of place-naming in the United States by George R. Stewart (ISBN 978-1-59017-273-5).
Oh no, they realize they might not have complete control over their little world! Heavens to murgatroyd!
When listening to pundits on cable opinion shows, you hear a lot of confusion as to why the orange turd is saying these incendiary things daily instead of appealing to moderate voters in various demographics. “Why is his campaign doing this?!?!?”
Well, he’s not appealing to swing voters because he preemptively needs his base hyped up and ready to burn the whole house down. In his mind it doesn’t matter who votes for what. He just needs it close. Let Roger Stone and chaos take care of the rest.
I’m voting today. Make sure you do so in the next week.
I have a song I sing whenever I see a Cybertruck. It’s sung in a low, gravelly, MANLY voice. The lyrics go like this:
Cybertruck! I’m a douchbag with too much mon-eey. Cyberbruck! I’m a fan-boy making bad decisions! My mon-eey makes me cool. Look at me compensating! etc…etc
Does anyone remember how, back in the early 2000s, some people would take picture of their hand flipping off a Hummer they saw on the street? I’m getting a similar vibe.
Trump plays “worker” for a few minutes. McDonald’s gets e coli. Coincidence? (Best read in the smarmy voice of Tucker Carlson or Jesse Waters.)
Would someone please give me the ELI5 on why Republicans want to destroy Social Security? Do they want to privatize it by making everyone put money into a 401K that is controlled by Wall Street money managers, who then skim their share? Are they STILL pissed about Roosevelt? Are rich Republicans pissed that poor people might not have to eat cat food in their old age? Is it that the foundational idea is that we all contribute…and that’s COMMUNISM??? I just don’t understand their motivation.
Sure, the new trucks look like a Dollar Store version of the Beluga cargo plane but I don’t care. They don’t require 57 mirrors, have backup cameras, are much more fuel efficient, have A/C, the list goes on! Even the new Metris is a million times better than any LLV or FFV simply for the lack of exhaust you end up breathing.
He’s been doing this since the beginning. Anyone who has been around a 12 year old should be able to see this.
Go back to when he was asked about his favorite book/part/quote from the Bible. He sounds like a middle schooler who is trying to dance around how he didn’t read anything for the book report.
The ability of half the country to willfully not see this (or just ignore it 'cuz librals are the devil!) astounds me.
With these comments it’s difficult to tell whose cock he’s gargling.