A video encouraging women to vote independently for Kamala Harris sparked outrage among conservative men, who called it divisive and “amoral.” The video highlights the gender gap that has widened between Harris and Trump, with recent polls showing notable leads by Harris among women and Trump among men.
Critics like Charlie Kirk labeled it “nauseating,” criticizing the wife for lying to “her sweet husband who probably works his tail off to make sure that she can go and have a nice life and provides for the family.”
Supporters argue it reflects real tensions around women’s autonomy, especially in conservative households.
“If your husband is mad at this ad, then this ad was made for you.”
I’m mad that it’s 2024 and this ad needs to exist
I’m mad it’s 2024 and we need to check notes
Make sure women don’t have rights stripped away
And I’m just mad that it’s 2024!
Right? The 20th century ended almost a quarter of a century ago. So mad.
That’s so weird that the nazi husbands who would give their wife a black eye for voting for kamala would fly into a rage about something.
Waiting for the article from the NYT about how this is bad for Harris’ polling with police officers.
As we always said when the Volunteers lost to Alabama: “Lot of women are going to be falling down stairs tonight.”
It wasn’t funny then either :(
A lot of doors are gonna carelessly be left open 🫤
It’s bonkers that the people who can’t stfu about FREEDOMS are the ones who want to strip everyone else’s away
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., joined the criticism Thursday, telling Fox News that Democrats are telling wives to lie to their husbands: “What kind of a totally amoral, corrupt, sick system have the Democrats developed?”
Ah yes, the guy who has cheated on multiple wives is talking about amorality and corruption.
it’s not “cheating” if the husband does it. it’s “the wife is being frigid and insufferable and i had no choice but to fuck whoever else”
from the party of “it’s not rape if he’s your husband”
He’s not the only conservative paragon of virtue that’s having a hissy-fit over it either:
Fox News host Jesse Watters said on the air last week that if his wife did the same as the women in the ad, it would violate “the sanctity of our marriage.”
“If I found out Emma was going into the voting booth and pulling the lever for Harris, that’s the same thing as having an affair,” Watters said, a remark that prompted many online to call him out for his marital affair, which he admitted to in 2018.
Not just an affair, an affair with his current wife he was calling out. Who he started the affair by being a massive stalker and letting air out of her tires so she’d ask him for a ride.
Critics like Charlie Kirk labeled it “nauseating,” criticizing the wife for lying to “her sweet husband who probably works his tail off to make sure that she can go and have a nice life and provides for the family.”
These idiots really miss the fact that most women can, and, in fact, must work. This idea of a “sweet” husband who works to provide for his family is so outdated it’s absurd.
That does still apply to rich people, which is why I suspect so many of these idiots still think this way. Surely everyone has the means THEY have!
Surely everyone has the means THEY have!
And if they don’t–fuck em. They obviously don’t work hard enough while spending their few shekels on fancy toast and bubble tea or some shit
Only the people that matter have the means they have.
Yeah but he makes more for the same work so obviously he’s more important…
That’s actually true in some of their cases, because they don’t have anything else to offer the family.
I’m willing to bet a lot of these people can’t cook, never clean and are insecure because they jerked around in high school.
Unfortunately for them, I agree. Better educated women are making people like Kirk obsolete. In the past, the only thing they had to offer was steady income, but now that women are often making more than many of them and are better educated, they feel threatened. So the only thing they have left is pretending women are dumb
Awww your wife isn’t your property?? 😢
The guy who helped create the ad even says
“They took a person’s sanctity of their ballot and turned it into a conversation about men owning the behaviors of the women in their life,” Pagitt said. “And like, well, I didn’t think you were going to make our point for us. We’re very grateful that you did.”
we’re entering a dangerous territory where women are being treated like people … think of where this slippery slope can go … /s
Before ya know it, the frogs are gay!
What about the husband vote cancelling out the wives vote?
Both humans have agency. If you are going to frame the issue as treachery, then the husband shouldn’t vote against his wife. Or, is the husband owed two votes and the wife none?
Fuck that.
Or, is the husband owed two votes and the wife none?
To conservatives it’s this one.
I mean why should chattel get a vote?
Well, they still believe you should get 3/5 of a vote for every piece of chattel you own.
The south never changed, we just had the luxury to ignore them.
They believe if you do not earn money or earn insignificant amount then you do not deserve to vote or have a say in politics. You can estimate their thoughts and actions based on this simple starting point.
Yokels voting for Trump be like “Yeah I’m earning the 5$/h so I make the big decisions in this House!”
That headline again: “Party of Snowflakes Melt”
LOL does this come in a bumper sticker?
Yes. Yes, rage against this. Feed your anger. How dare they?!?!?! Feed the Streisand effect. Spread this idea. Let it engage you!! Oh, I know. Rant about it to your wife. Tell her all about this evil idea. Tell her what those other independent women are doing. Yeah. Get good and mad /S
It’s not hiding when it’s supposed to be a secret. A woman voting her own beliefs should be the first step out of that kind of controlling relationship.
I have a relative who lives in subsidized housing and just got a new neighbor who is freshly divorced due to his wife being a Democrat. Sounds like she won for sure because from what I hear about this dude he sounds like a miserable, insufferable individual
I’m willing to take bets that sometime in the Future there will be a call from Republicans for a new law that allows husbands to see how their wives have voted.
To protect Family values… And to stop disharmony in the marriage…
And, of course, to prevent voter fraud…
If the Conservatives had their way, women would not be allowed to vote at all. Unfortunately, that still seems to be one of their goals. I mean, Trump and his henchmen have already made sure that women are no longer allowed to control their own bodies, which I have to admit I thought was impossible in a Western country. What makes you think they’re going to leave it at taking away women’s right to a secret ballot? These people want to reverse advances in civilization like women’s right to vote all together. That’s what conservative means to them: back to the Middle Ages. In this sense, they are little different from other religious extremists such as the Taliban. Their goals might be a little different but their means are pretty much the same.
If conservatives had their way, men would vote on behalf of their wives and unmarried adult daughters.
Gotta stop voter fraud, by letting those who commit election interference and believe the system is compromised to control it. No way that could go wrong.
Party that repealed Roe v Wade and constantly talks about shooting liberals is now angry that their wives might be afraid of telling them how they vote, more news at 10
Next up, they’re going to try and force women into wearing bedsheets cuz, you know, they can’t keep it in their pants when they see a modestly attractive woman go by in normal clothes.
They’ll probably soon start suggesting women shouldn’t hear other women’s voices. Very Taliban. Very cool. -GOP
Wow, who knew the fascist party supporters would be against women having political autonomy.
This is the Bear vs a Strange man all over again and they still don’t get it.
It’s the worm in the head.
So it is “amoral” to tell women that they can make their own decisions. Thanks for clearing that up, Newt.