Even if that was true, you’re still killing other animals which is obviously more harmful/abusive to them than not giving them their favorite food instead of the same nutrients in a different package.
Even if that was true, you’re still killing other animals which is obviously more harmful/abusive to them than not giving them their favorite food instead of the same nutrients in a different package.
Ah yes, its the people that are against harming animals that are the real animal abusers.
Feeding an animal a nutrionally complete diet: abuse
killing animals: not abuse
It’s so funny that they’re the largest instance. Only see incredible decisions coming out of there.
Does he think people are just switching their brains to ‘flow-state’? Did he hear about meditation for the first time? No idea what he’s talking about.
Crucially: let me have the damn files.
Why would I pay to use your awful webreader or streaming client when reader apps with good UI and quality video players exist.
I mean it was mostly rhetorical, code is adopted at the state level and localities can only make it more strict. Arkansas is seemingly pretty up to date on their adopted codes so I have to imagine they were in 2004 as well. I’m mostly familiar with electrical and I know that shit wouldn’t have passed inspection in 2004. So either codes are completely unenforced in this location or they did a bunch of modifications without a permit that should make it illegal to sell the dwelling until they get inspected.
Bonus: they’re gonna have to rip that interior siding and wall carpeting off to inspect the wiring anyway.
The liminal backroom/vaporwave aesthetic hallway in the master bedroom is what really got me. Finally numbed to the siding, office chairs, and carpet and then the hall of mirrors comes in to seal the deal.
Does Arkansas just not have building codes? Surely they can’t actually sell it like this. There is no way you can bring this monstrosity up to code for less than the cost of burning it down and building something else.
folding it into a triangle before burning is the respectful way of disposing of at least the US flag. Just stuff it in the barrel and add lighter fluid.
Beans and lentils are cheaper protein, you buy meat because you prefer the taste. That’s a type of entertainment.
I don’t think you know what that word means.
Paying someone to kill someone/something for you is still killing.
“but what if they have a medical condition that doesn’t exist that I just made up”
Pretty unlikely.
Except you don’t need to eat animals and so it is the same. You’re killing animals for your entertainment, just because you eat them after that doesn’t change anything.
When solar farms are more than like 0.01% of land utilization then maybe its worth caring about.
For the same land you can power a household or get like 14 pounds of beef. who cares.
Just install solar panels where its cheapest, which is going to be an empty field where you can install a ton and get better labor efficiency during the install. Making green energy more expensive to install only benefits fossil fuel companies.
Average household is about 10000 kWh annually Solar farms conservatively produce 350MWh/year/acre
so 1/35 of an acre to power a home
roughly 3000 pounds of soybeans per acre becomes roughly 500 pounds of beef/acre.
500*(1/35) = 14.2
OoooOOOoooo democratic management of property is sooo tyrannical. The people who would have otherwise inherited a car dealership are going to have to enact a vengeful counterrevolution against the masses.
Sorry for pretending you were engaging in good faith at first.
- Fund building more (alongside nationalizing construction).
Fancy houses will still cost money as long as money exists, after communism it would likely be lottery or waitlists. The 8 bedroom with a coastal city view is probably turned into a short term vacation spot rather than a personal residence.
These do help though. They’re great for student housing for example. Here in Albuquerque there is a long tradition of casitas that is thankfully being expanded through relaxed zoning. It provides a relatively quick way to increase density in areas built up with SFH without facing much nimby pushback. Housing prices are detached from supply/demand somewhat but not entirely, increase supply enough and prices drop.
With 6inch thick windows or intolerable noise pollution, sounds great. I wonder which one penny pinching developers are going to build.
It’s not abuse to feed an animal a nutritionally complete diet. There is no magical nutrient that exists in animals that cannot be artificially synthesized. Just because you don’t care about animal suffering doesn’t make it necessary or justified.