You forgot the homeless people, forced to live under that interchange because you know, america, freedom etc…
I could be wrong but iirc, Italy also has a lot of homelessness
According to wikipedia, 8.4/10k for italy vs 17.5/10k for the US. So while the US is the richest country in the world they have twice as many homeless people per capita :/
Duh, moron, the future is you just live in the car.
You cant legally park it anywhere near anything useful for survival, and gas is expensive and so is car insurance.
But thats fine because cars and car companies have more rights than people! Or something…
What I am saying is anyone who walks to the grocery store /deserves/ to get run over.
Natural Selection mannnnn!
Alright, feelin good, got beer in the glove compartment, time to film my magnum opus:
DeathRace 2024.
immediately peels out, doesnt see other driver blowing a red light until too late, swerves to avoid and crashes into the weed dispensary, paralyzing himself from the legs down and killing 4 others
In many cities, people are literally living in cars that don’t run, in public parking spaces, because it’s the only enclosed place they can afford to live in.
Yep, and that is almost always illegal, and such people almost always end up having the car towed, having to pay for the car being towed, losing all their possessions and then becoming homeless.
Its just a matter of time until enough people report it and the police get around to it.
Well damn start building apartments in the empty parts. Its not that difficult to understand.
With 6inch thick windows or intolerable noise pollution, sounds great. I wonder which one penny pinching developers are going to build.
bUt wE hAve EnoUGh sPaCE!