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I mean, all theses swaps going on “non-custodial” exchanges, their volume are not tracked. they probably represents a lot of transactions involved in circular economies. 600k tx in February while theres less volume isnt make sense
It was a personal opinion to add, I have no problem with people downvoting 😁
For people downvoting, have fun keeping paper monero exchanges deciding of the price, because the actual volume isn’t shown. (My own opinion on that topic)
It haves no effect because primexbt is not allowing XMR deposits/withdrawals or spot markets. Just a leverage platform
Coingecko is doing it, not coinmarketcap
Added, do you know if theres hyperlinks on matrix ? (just to make it better on the post)
I added an edit but with an other account, thanks for showing interest !
Thanks, i’ll add a matrix category
Yes the directory is very old, I added new things but forgot to remove discontinued sites (going to do)
I know helium is a ponzi and Lora haves a low throughput, it was more for inspirations on something could be made on monero with maybe an other protocol and without token counterpart (HNT)
Idk it but if the seed is pre-wrote, you shouldn’t trust it. If they were storing private keys somewhere then it’s no more a cold-wallet.
And why being off-topic, when you can reply on older posts or contacting me in private message…
Theres not only trocador aggregating exchanges, but you think so because you only are in Monero so I can understand what you meant, while confirming I dont said that about them. If I couldn’t understood what you said, I dont have other ways theres no hostility.
And yes i’m known, not claiming to have did big things or idk what, but yes i’m known to be devoted for making monero known or trying to suggest things (like everybody does).
It’s just something leaved if someone is interested to do it, theres no dead-time or idk what, the cloudflare js beacon is not used on the hidden-service as said in comments you quoted. And to end I did or said nothing to trocador, I try to be friendly when talking to you, but you’re honestly tiring.
GRIN was actually a cool thing fairly rant so I dont trash them but the market made it’s choice. An other problem with GRIN is the lack of RingSignatures to hide the past because MWEB more acts as scalability
I’m not new but now it’s obviously visible: Theses networks usage peaked the last bullrun, maybe a “rebounce” in transaction count would have happened but not. While Monero bottomed it’s daily transaction count earlier so maybe people ditched their networks
Thanks you I will do that
I tested the instance you shown without problem, you more likely got a node abused many times because cleaner ones haves no problem
It was more to point out that speculators are more trading paper monero, than getting it in spot to withdraw it But yes we still have their perps after delisting they wants to censor buying it