Yes I know that’s a crypto unrelated to Monero, but their idea can inspire a way to host and sell LoRa access in Monero, with a peer-to-peer layer or something like that 🤔
That would be a great standard, for a primal NoKYC and parallel access to the internet, just put Tor on the top ect…
Toughts on this ?
Helium was very close to being a Ponzi scheme. LoRa has really low throughput, no way you’d be able to run something like Tor over it.
I know helium is a ponzi and Lora haves a low throughput, it was more for inspirations on something could be made on monero with maybe an other protocol and without token counterpart (HNT)
TOR is perfect for IOT applications because it avoids DNS and censorship problems. IOT doesn’t need very high bandwidth and its still worth a lot. Consider just the application of monitoring the fluid level in a tank remotely, owners are valued at billions of $USD and own a small part of the market. Where does monero fit in tho? Idk…
@Giffbro @monerobull Tor can also guard against MiTM/injection attacks during system updates, the way Whonix does. IoTs need all the help they can get in that regard.
Where does Monero fit in? Well, Monero is money. You should use it to buy the device, pay for your Internet service, tip your server…
very much agree. Solana is doing a similar thing with Pollen Mobile, for peer to peer WiFi. Cardano has a similar thing as well
Not Lora or Helium, but you might be interested in the Althea network. They’re a payment layer powering infrastructure & connectivity that provides blockchain-enabled internet access to thousands of homes across challenging topographies.