Do you think that your concern trolling is going to help the general atmosphere of trusting others with mental health, or did you just really want to win an argumentative point?
All official death toll numbers make it clear which is the fascist government (not people, government). There’s a local suburb near me known for gay hate murders, would you say that the government should bomb it?
Or I’ll put it even simpler Queers, Jewish people, Palestinians, Yemenis, Houthis, White people, Prisoners, Civilians and Soldiers and all other human beings all have equal value in their lives and if you can’t account for that in your argument then that’s a bias. If you disagree then frankly you can go fuck yourself until you become a better person. That’s what I believe, why don’t you?
This sucks as a take. Why would you celebrate downward class violence based only on moral impurity? Why would you celebrate Nintendo coming close to making emulation work illegal.
The fact is that there is no video game archive that comes close to completion than the distributed one. And to whine over pirates makes you a fool. It’s not even stealing, it’s breaking the same law as a child drawing modern Mickey mouse on their pencil case. It’s ideas monopolised and then enforced through economic violence towards poorer people. I don’t want a world where your values you expressed here are upheld consistently, that sounds like hell.