Yuzu is a shitty emukator with even more shitty devs who were very much selling piracy and I am some what happy its gone
NOTE I am not happy about nintendos legal bitchery just yuzus demise
NOTE 2: edited out menion of the poor emulation quality
NOTE 3: I say this some body who is pro emulation pro piracy anti coperation and literally does RE on switch games
Yuzu had this coming they SOLD a version of their emulator which could run totk 2 WEEKS before release and considering yuzu they most defently deliberatly added in support for totk for more money
Yuzu devs are also horrible they steal code are hypocritical and put the whole emulation and modding community at risk what if nintendo went after ryujinx after all of this because yuzu prevokes them and wins? what happens to emulation? what happens to modding tools mentioned?
For more information check this link out actually https://imgur.com/ZWoSZSt
Use ryujinx :3
Dont even care if you are right, but go eat some dirt please. I have never read a post this annoyingly written.
This sucks as a take. Why would you celebrate downward class violence based only on moral impurity? Why would you celebrate Nintendo coming close to making emulation work illegal.
The fact is that there is no video game archive that comes close to completion than the distributed one. And to whine over pirates makes you a fool. It’s not even stealing, it’s breaking the same law as a child drawing modern Mickey mouse on their pencil case. It’s ideas monopolised and then enforced through economic violence towards poorer people. I don’t want a world where your values you expressed here are upheld consistently, that sounds like hell.
legal action from a giant shitty corporation that steps on our rights to preserve access to our purchases is never a W. grow up.
But the thing is yuzu was activley HURTING the community and putting it at risk
dolphin uses secret numbers they arent allowed to distribute, that doesnt mean we shouldn’t support dilphin. not everything thats good is totally 100% good, life is complicated. emulation is simple, and should be protected on the merits that nintendo is attacking it.
Yeah but dolphin isnt targetting their fancy new consoles and thats all dolphin does
Yuzu sells piracy dolphin does not yuzu provides a very bad example in court by oprnly admitting to pirating to games develop the emulator dolphin does not etc
Say more about that
Yuzu being so shady beind the scenes causes nintendo to take serious legal action against emulation and modding more so then before which is obviously VERY bad
Imagine if they fought the case they would 100% loose and then major aspects of emulation such as decrypting games becomes illegal
Nintendo was going to take legal action regardless. Get real. Yuzu allowed bypassing the Switch’s security so Nintendo filed a DMCA claim, just like they did when Dolphin got put on Steam. Nintendo is the most litigious company in history. Just ask the developers of Pokemon Uranium, or AM2R, or the C64 port of Super Mario Bros. None of those things impacted Nintendo’s revenue. Why do you think they’d hesitate to sue the developers of an emulator for a console they currently sell games for?
Also what “shady behind the scenes”?
Here, you dropped some of these: …,
Mods!!! this internet post has no punctuation!!! I am going to DIE of badgrammaridous
Yoo, that’s my favorite quote from “A Pickle for the Knowing Ones”.
this sounds like the most fanboy pilled post. seriously its just an emulator, i dont even thing thr main userbases of ryujinx and yuzu are antagonistic against each other, as each had a completely different philosophy on what to prioritize.
take for example, intel and amd users couldnt use ryujinx for the longest time because it took ages for ryujinx to pick up the vulkan backend, defaulting to opengl, which only nvidia until the past few years, performed well in.
I had an aneurysm attempting to read this
Won’t someone please think of the poor multi-billion-dollar company! The losses for them and their poor multi-billion-dollar shareholders!
I am happy yuzu is gone because they were activley hurting the community
I literally mod and do RE on switch games I am not on nintendos side
Nah Yuzu worked pretty good and far better than ryujinx on the games I bothered to try. Admittedly my CPU is getting old, but still on Yuzu it generally worked okayish while being almost unplayable on ryujinx. Regarding the “pre release” versions or “beta” idk what they called them on patron, I just downloaded them from somewhere else.
I don’t care about the devs philosophy honestly, they made an emulator that worked for me which I can’t say about their “competitor”. Also this post annoys me somewhat, Nintendo taking down any emulator should never be considered something good.
Also you said you can’t run Ryujinx in another comment? Why you shilling then bruv
Yuzu tends to break compatiblity with older games and lesser known games ( bad for preserveration )
Any ways it doesnt matter if you care about the devs philosophy or not they do sell piracy and nintendo will go after them for that putting emulation at risk
Also btw I shill ryujinx because when I say it doesnt run I mean like it runs 15 FPS and as some body who hacks / mods nintendo games its good enough + most knowledgeable moddees will complain about yuzus accuracy for the most part as well
And I know a lot about shit and enough to know ryujinx is far more accurate and even better for game preservarion :3
I agree that Yuzu did things like sell piracy, which put them squarely on Nintendo’s Ninja Radar. It’s unfortunate that they’re so litigious, even for projects not intended to make money.
But, like, calm down man.
A lot of teams behind emulation, game modding and FOSS software have their fair share of controversy. I think it comes with the territory of having public communities and a dev structure where strangers can often get involved and contribute. I don’t really blame developers for wanting compensation for their work, but sounds like they went about it in a poor way. Also the TOTK situation was a very bad decision and likely sealed their fate.
Still, IP Protection laws in the United States serve exclusively corporate interests. I don’t celebrate this; it is actively harming the rights of consumers. Corporations constantly steal from consumers, profiting off of our data and standing on the backs of workers.
And piracy is a service issue. If you don’t have fair prices for games and methods of access for people to play the way they want to, you will have piracy. Also for people who can’t afford the prices, piracy will happen.
ok hear me out. What if piracy was ok and we didn’t need to base our moral compasses on american law?
I never said I was anti piracy I thinks its good in most cases fuck US law!!!
Just selling piracy makes nintendo more angry at the community putting it in more danger
piracy is based
Didn’t use so not super invested but damn that’s some run on garbled word salad and, to top it off, adding a Telegram link for a very credible non-suspect source? Try a take two there…
Was a Lemmy post shitting on Yuzu part of the settlement with Nintendo?
Fuck nintendo with a rhino horn. That is all.