Yuzu is a shitty emukator with even more shitty devs who were very much selling piracy and I am some what happy its gone
NOTE I am not happy about nintendos legal bitchery just yuzus demise
NOTE 2: edited out menion of the poor emulation quality
NOTE 3: I say this some body who is pro emulation pro piracy anti coperation and literally does RE on switch games
Yuzu had this coming they SOLD a version of their emulator which could run totk 2 WEEKS before release and considering yuzu they most defently deliberatly added in support for totk for more money
Yuzu devs are also horrible they steal code are hypocritical and put the whole emulation and modding community at risk what if nintendo went after ryujinx after all of this because yuzu prevokes them and wins? what happens to emulation? what happens to modding tools mentioned?
For more information check this link out actually https://imgur.com/ZWoSZSt
Use ryujinx :3
Say more about that
Yuzu being so shady beind the scenes causes nintendo to take serious legal action against emulation and modding more so then before which is obviously VERY bad
Imagine if they fought the case they would 100% loose and then major aspects of emulation such as decrypting games becomes illegal
Nintendo was going to take legal action regardless. Get real. Yuzu allowed bypassing the Switch’s security so Nintendo filed a DMCA claim, just like they did when Dolphin got put on Steam. Nintendo is the most litigious company in history. Just ask the developers of Pokemon Uranium, or AM2R, or the C64 port of Super Mario Bros. None of those things impacted Nintendo’s revenue. Why do you think they’d hesitate to sue the developers of an emulator for a console they currently sell games for?
Also what “shady behind the scenes”?