Had to reset the clock on my stove, microwave, coffee maker, and cars.
It’s no where near obsolete as you seem to imply.
Had to reset the clock on my stove, microwave, coffee maker, and cars.
It’s no where near obsolete as you seem to imply.
Yeah, people keep making this mistake, but if you’re considering the dates of when they agreed to bring fifa to the US, trump figured his second term was going to be over. But then the 2020 ‘rigged’ election happened, giving him a shot for a second term in 2024.
Wonder how the turn out is going to be when his allies are all too scared or too pissed off to enter us territories.
Isn’t every immigrant who is not yet a US Citizen only temporarily legal? I think that’s the issue here.
They spent all their time talking about the horrible illegal immigrants, and ‘I have no problem with the immigrants doing things right’. And now they are showing they are prepared to just unilaterally decide whoever they want to deport, is on the block no matter what their current status is. If they aren’t a citizen, then they can be declared illegal and shipped out.
It just highlights the lie that a lot of the more liberal minded people knew was there. It was never about legal status.
According to NPR :
“You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity,” the account wrote in September. “Normalize Indian hate,” a separate post from that month read.
In July of last year, the account posted: “Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool.”
In other posts, from December, the account pushed for repealing the Civil Rights Act and shared: “I just want a eugenic immigration policy, is that too much to ask.”
I think it make sense. They’re saying its a bad idea to not hire someone who’s qualified, just because of the color of their skin.
They voted for the candidate he bought though
Rule of Law is being replaced by Rule of Power
I’m happy she made a stand, and its being talked about. I, like you, doubt anything will really come of it, but it does highlight the change.
The company shareholders voted 98% in favour of keeping DEI initiatives.
They’ll also ensure those who get hired, share the maga viewpoints.
Not sure if this is anything or not.
You pasted the httpd-ssl.conf file.
The script output is referencing httpd.conf
I think it’s sending the challenge request via port 80 and that might be where you’re looking in the wrong place.
I don’t think anyone was saying they could do no wrong, they were just saying if you think America’s support for Isreal was bad under the Democrates, just wait and see how much worse it’ll be under Trump. Basically anywhere an non-maga someone was critical of how the democrats were doing things, the GOP’s plans were further removed from what those particular people wanted.
So yeah, seems like they voted wrong in that case.
Is it the primary sex organs that determines sex? Or is it hormone levels? Or is it chromosomes?
Each of these are non binary and have outliers and exceptions. All three together play a role in determining what we think of as being sex.
It’s not binary, unless your looking at it with a grade school level understanding of biology.
No, is the loop back, so it doesn’t even leave the machine and doesn’t need to be connected to any network.
They didn’t have a Project 2025 game plan going in like they do now.
I started a sentence in my class with “When I was born”. A student instantly chimed in and said “What in the 19’s?” And I thought in my head, of course you idiot, everybody is born in the 19’s. It still haunts me
It still feels wrong to me, to see it written out, but spoken its different.
I feel like it works to go with say, the 1600’s, which I read naturally as the 16 hundreds. But when I see 1900 I read that as the nineteen naughts, (aughts?) because so often when people are referring to periods in the 19 hundreds, its down to the decade because so much changed between each one. Or maybe I just felt that way because I’m so old now.
Maybe in another 25 years, it’ll be far enough away that 1900’s becomes 19 hundreds in my head.
I would recommend Shopifys APIs. Theres a lot to them, they’re well documented, and you can build a developers store for free.
Adobe commerce is another one. You can get a dockerized store up and running pretty quickly, also free and their documentation includes some basic suggested workflows.
Edit: these are mostly for practicing consuming apis, not sure if thats what you were looking for.
Holocaust victims were people targeted by the government of Nazi Germany based on their ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, disability or sexual orientation For specified groups like the Jews, genocide was the Nazis’ primary goal. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), the Holocaust was “the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime and its collaborators”.[1]
Including 7.8 million soviet civilians and POWs in the count kind of seems like a revisionist definition of what the holocaust was to include anyone killed in the war. To undermine how much focus was on the jews pre-war.
Its there. But nothing in the headline about who or what or why it matters. Just enough to be able to say they didn’t bury it.
It’s relatively easy to self host your own git repositories.
It’s just that Github adds a lot of extra value added features that help streamline things for larger projects, and this is why many people use it. For most people, the value they get far outweighs the inconvenience when it goes down for 10 minutes here or there.
Huh. That does sound pretty damn useful.
Id never even heard of it in Canada.