They absolutely are! A convenient place to hold it while dipping into that sweet, sweet, sweet and sour, for maximum sauceage.
They absolutely are! A convenient place to hold it while dipping into that sweet, sweet, sweet and sour, for maximum sauceage.
That picture gives me major Scarif vibes
At this price point, I’d probably recommend either the Samsung Galaxy A23 or A14, or the Nokia G60 or G42.
A Spinoff CRPG Final Fantasy game would actually be really interesting, and a funny way to go full circle with how much the original FF1 drew from the likes of DnD.
They have taken the series too far into MMO land, and need to go back to focusing on a good story
You say that as though FF14 doesn’t have one of the best stories of modern Final Fantasy games.
I’ll be honest, I had to channel an American accent in my head to make sense of this one, I was quite confused for a moment.
Didn’t expect to see something like this pop up! I’m really curious to see if he’s recognisable to people in other countries!
Or you could just use Firefox? Mozilla has stated that it opposes this stuff.
This implies the existence of a Kirb that is just a pink sphere.
Well, with how candidly we often throw it around, we certainly do treat it like garbage!
Yep, Mixed Member Proportional system means that you get to elect someone to represent your area, and know that the overall makeup of the parliament will be proportional to the overall party votes received.
And as you mention, a form of ranked choice voting is still needed for any “finite seat” vote, such as local representatives, where you’re electing individuals rather than groups.
FPTP is a horrendous system and all it does is incentivise strategic voting, which is problematic because ideally we should all vote for whatever suits our interests and beliefs, without worrying about whether our votes are being wasted.
Down here in NZ my city used to have these too! Apparently it was the last commercial trolleybus network in Oceania. But as a mostly suburban kind of city environment (not quite American suburbia but still low density), their utility definitely was quite limited by the predefined routes. Eventually more and more routes weren’t even using them. But they were still servicing the old main road high frequency routes, so they were still very useful in those instances. Much better than the diesel buses, too, which were so loud you could hear them coming from several stops away! Eventually they phased the trolleys out in 2017, citing all the usual rubbish like maintenance costs and such. But we hadn’t yet electrified our bus fleet, so for a while we had to borrow a bunch more diesel buses. Still on the road to having a fully electric fleet, and I imagine it will be a good while yet before that happens.
Absolutely get a filter! My local tap water tastes a little weird to me, too, but a filter is great for that, and is so much better than getting bottled. It also wastes less plastic!
Ah, apologies! I’m still not yet in the habit of checking post dates on Lemmy! But wow, it feels like it’s been more than 10 days since all that happened!
Of the ones that have been announced so far, which app in development are you most excited for?
Not to sound rude, but did you do any research before naming all of these? Boost developer is developing a Lemmy app, you can find it on the Play store already. Sync developer is also developing a Lemmy app.
Sure, It’s a good number for room temperature, but not for body temperature.
The Ioniqs are absolutely sexy vehicles, they’re at the top of my list too!
It really is a bizarre niche, some awkward middle ground between multiple classes. Not as fightery as a fighter, not as druidy as a druid, not as rogue-y as a rogue, but somehow trying to balance all three.
At least when Paladin tries to wiggle into a similar gap, it brings some unique and useful kit to the table, but ranger is really lacking in that regard.