The boot shaped nuggies are the best and nobody can change my mind.
Bootlicker moment
They absolutely are! A convenient place to hold it while dipping into that sweet, sweet, sweet and sour, for maximum sauceage.
mfw I’m a vegetarian D:
I’m vegan but I’ve got a killer fake meat craving all the time. I eat more fake meat than I ever did real meat. Nuggs and Impossible (both spicy) chicken nuggets are the bomb
I like the vegan nuggets a local restourant chain has but the taste of meat kinda makes me feel physically sick now. I had a vegan meat sandwich thing for a trip a while ago and got sick from it lol
Totally sympathize, sometimes I start to feel sick when I’m preparing something (like an Impossible burger) but eating it? Totally fine haha.
Yeah I get that
And here I thought it was from all the dick I was sucking
“study” “turn off” the “wifi”
That would explain a lot, actually
Every gay person I’ve met like nuggets.
The researchers, probably.