• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • I’d honestly pay a bit more to buy from better vendors. Price, options, shipping aren’t the things why I end up using Amazon mostly (despite not liking it).

    It’s the fact that if I need to return something I just click 2 buttons and no questions asked a guy shows up at my door tomorrow to pick it up and my refund is back in my account by the evening.

    If other vendors started doing that without all the caveats and conditions and such, I’d never look back.

  • Not OP but there were 3 things that made me switch back after about 2 weeks (around 5 months ago):

    1. Lack of intro and credit skipping (I think they’re working towards it tho?). There was an add-on but it just wasn’t a comparable experience
    2. Poor options to customize subtitle display (wasn’t even looking for much, just a black outline and maybe bolder font). I forget the detail about what was missing at this point, just remember being annoyed with it.
    3. The android app on TV just felt like they never considered it may be used with a remote (some buttons and menus in annoying to reach places, like the alphabet for quickly jumping in a library). Also felt like there were 3-4 differently bad screens for browsing the library rather than 1 good one.

    It’s very impressive how good they made jellyfin with volunteer effort, it’s just very tough to compete with paid staff (in terms of how much time can they put into each feature and part). I do hope it gets there, cuz plex has been circling the drain for a while for me now.

  • Probably a question of time and patience. My advice would be to be in its’ company but don’t push space boundaries. E.g. be in the same room doing your own thing, maybe sometimes speak to it, look at it and slow blink and just carry on with your own life.

    Offer food and treats in your company (same deal, give food but stick around in the room, but give it space). Sit a lil bit closer to it over time to build trust but avoid initiating touch. Try to play (like string on a stick or something similarly simple), some cats value playtime over food. One of my cats values just being stared at over both food and play, they each have their own preferences - once you figure it out it’ll be a lot easier.

    Eventually it’ll learn to trust you and associate your presence with food and play.

    Just be aware that it may take weeks or months to build a bond, although if you aren’t seeing any improvement at all (like cat is tense when you’re around, even from a distance, reluctant to eat when you’re near etc) in 2 or so weeks time then the method isn’t working and you gotta try something else.

    Good luck, and thank your for caring for it!

  • Unfortunately for some of them even if the game works there are often cases where either mods don’t work or some overlay/other additional software.

    On your answer though, I was under the impression that when you configure the KVM passthrough setup it makes the video card you use for the passthrough inaccessible for the host itself and that to make it accessible, it requires undoing some of the config and a restart. Is this incorrect?

  • Backwards compatibility - yes I agree, it’s quite good at it.

    Hardware specific issues for any OSes - disagree. For windows that’s 80-90% done by the hardware manufacturer’s drivers. It’s not through an effort from Microsoft whether issues are fixed or not. For Linux it’s usually an effort of maintainers and if anything, Linux is famous for supporting old hardware that windows no longer works with.

    But the point I was making is not to say Linux or osx is better than windows or vice versa, it’s that windows holds by far the largest market share in desktops and neither of the alternatives are really drop-in replacements. So in the end they have no pressure on them to improve UX since it’s infeasible to change OS for the majority of their users at the moment.

  • Aside from the effort required others have mentioned, there’s also an effect of capitalism.

    For a lot of their tech, they have a near-monopoly or at least a very large market share. Take windows from Microsoft. What motivation would they have to fix bugs which impact even 5-10% of their userbase? Their only competition is linux with its’ around 4(?)% market share and osx which requires expensive hardware. Not fixing the bug just makes people annoyed, but 90% won’t leave because they can’t. As long as it doesn’t impact enterprise contracts it’s not worth it to fix it because the time spent doing that is a loss for shareholders, meanwhile new features which can collect data (like copilot for example) that can be sold generate money.

    I’m sure even the devs in most places want to make better products and fight management to give them more time to deliver features so they can be better quality - but it’s an exhausting sharp uphill battle which never ends, and at the end of the day the person who made broken feature with data collector 9000 built in will probably get the promotion while the person who fixed 800 5+ year old bugs gets a shout-out on a zoom call.