I don’t think there’s such a thing as a discrete gay… number and the sofar unmentioned bi spectrum implies a distributed or Cartesian system of expression
Number theory suggests that by whatever metric it’s determined, there’s bound to be an infinitesimal difference between two measurements. Observation leads to significant figures, not reality
Modern Quality of Life settings, novel features, styled to look seamless with itself, optimal usage of resources so the experience is only about the content and not the settings.
If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 32 pence and a half chewed gum wrapper
This is Hunter Biden’s America, smh
We can be clearer if you like, American people of the Democratic Republic of the United States vs. Republicans of the Autocratic Republic of Private Industry.
go team favorite color and whoever can paint everything that color
The bad people are the people that didn’t think past their immediate benefit
Listen bro/sis thanks for everything, I will stay sitting during all that bs in your honor. Your id is truly unique in this day
Because they felt like sitting should be enough. Fuck that stand for the pledge nonsense shoehorned into everything
Only reason games don’t become public domain is because of IP license. So just in case the rights holder wants to revisit a mothballed IP decades after the last time it was relevant, the entire catalog of that IP is off limits
It’s from the first law trilogy of books, which I highly recommend if that made you chuckle
It’s the common denominator phenomena of all systems though. Mobile is literally the easiest point of entry to games and content in the entire world and it’s not even close with all other platforms combined. The ENTIRE spectrum of intelligence and discipline have phones (“do you all not have phones?” -blizzard DI launch). It’s in your pocket, it has all your information, access to your funds, and the majority of people probably get interrupted too frequently to scrutinize the quality of game design. It’s a cigarette hit waiting for the bus kind of vice that the rest of the majority know that the game is garbage but just don’t care- they need that dopamine hit.
Better to do it than live with the fear of it, I always say
In my experience, windows store server apps (like Plex) are sometimes broken if your os updates are due. It causes some interesting headaches. When in doubt exe it from the trusted site
Calculators didn’t make math obsolete, it just made getting the wrong answer that much quicker