I remember a time when my cat found a mouse in our cottage. Everyone was asleep or trying to sleep while the cat was looking for the mouse. For some reason, I looked at the bed’s edge and saw tiny whiskers and a tiny nose. The mouse had sandwiched itself between the edge of the bed and the mattress, trying to hide from our cat. I think it got away, too. Made me feel good especially considering our cat was constantly bringing in mice it had killed.
Not sure if that’s the name of the poem. It’s been (mis)attributed to a T.S. Watt, called “English”. A similar poem is The Chaos by Gerard Nolst Trenité, here read by Youtuber Lindybeige.
Barney disapproves of this.
As someone pointed out, it’s not supposed to be erotic. The tingles that it causes isn’t caused by erotic stimuli, it’s a very different kind of tingle. Which doesn’t mean some ASMR can’t be erotic, I’m not saying that. Speaking for myself, the tingles I get are mostly around my face and eyes, if that makes sense. Not my fingertips, though.
You jest, but when the moment comes when you notice you suddenly can’t (can happen with certain conditions), you pray to all the gods you can think of just to be able to take a leak again.
Shit went from Ratthew to Ratstew real quick.
As they say, knowledge is power, France is bacon.
There’s Zotero. I haven’t used it but seems to have a feature called ‘Collect with a click’ which should allow adding bookmarks.
It’s going to be gaymores next.
Its. Teacher is a cat, this checks out.
Flat to not flat in six panels flat. Nice.
No, but I admire the people who can memorize, recall and communicate by using the little pictures without the slightest effort. 😔
Why do people add ‘rule’ after after post titles?
Yes, there have been bows that are long, but not like the longbow. As you say, the longbow was used to shoot volleys, while the yumi could also be used on horseback. The longbow had a very heavy draw weight, around 90-120 lbs. That’s the weight you have to pull to get it at full draw. The yumi possibly had a a lower draw weight (although Korean and Mongolian and Turkish composite bows had draw weights of around 100 lbs as well, and they were mainly used on horseback). Again, the yumi has a shorter lower limb which meant it could be used on horseback (and it was) while there is no way a longbow could have. So the longbow and the yumi are very different technically.
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