Hello folks. I want to hear your opinions about the advances in AI and how it makes you feel. This is a community about privacy, so I already kind of know that you’re against it, at least when AI is implemented in such a way that it violates peoples’ privacy.
I recently attended a work-related event and the conclusion was that AI will come and change everything in our field. A field which has been generally been dominated by human work, although various software has been used for it. Without revealing too much, the event was for people who with texts. I’m a student, but the event was for people working in the field I plan to work in in the future. The speakers did not talk about privacy concerns (not in detail, at least) or things such as micro work (people who get paid very little to clean illegal content in AI training data, for example).
You probably can guess that that I care about privacy: I’m writing this on Lemmy, for a privacy community. I’m a Linux user (the first distro I used was Ubuntu 10.04) and I transitioned to Linux as my daily driver in November last year. I care about the Open Source community (most of the programs I used on Windows were FOSS). I donate to the programs I use. I use a privacy-respecting search engine, use uBlock and Privacy Badger on Firefox. I use a secure instant messenger and detest Facebook. But that’s where it ends, because I use a stock Android phone. But at least I care about these things and I’m eager to learn more. When it comes to privacy, I’m pretty woke, for the lack of a better word.
But AI is coming, or rather, it’s already here. Granted, people who talked at that event were somewhat biased, as they worked in the AI industry, so even if they weren’t marketing ChatGPT, they were trying to hype up the industry. But apparently, AI can already help so called knowledge workers. It can help in brainstorming and generating ideas. It can produce translations, it can summarize texts, it can give tips…
The bottom line seems to be that I need to start using AI, because either I will use it and keep my job in the future, or I will not use it and risk being made redundant by AI at some point in time.
But I want to get other perspectives. What are your views on AI, and has it affected your job, and if so, how? I know some people have said here that AI is just a bunch of algorithms and that it’s just hype and that the bubble will burst eventually. But until it does, it seems it’ll have a pretty big impact on how things work. Can we choose to ignore it?
I think AI will help alot with the boring stuff, and leave the bigger/interesting/more creative work to us. It will take some to work all this out, though.
When i went to school as a kid, the degree i got at university didn’t exist yet. When i finished university the job i now have didn’t exist yet. The world has always, and will always, change.
I’m waiting for ChatGPT to start slipping in product recommendations/mentions into its responses. It’s only a matter of time before ads ruin whatever good is in AI.
I work in university admissions and the programs require a motivation letter. While absolutely hating writing Cover letters or motivations myself, I do see the advantages for admission (although I absolutely hate the system).
Mainly it is a great way to give applicants with weaker grades a shot. And a good motivation letter where I get a feeling for who they are will put them almost always automatically higher in my recommendations. However, I am so sick of the same ChatGPT motivation. And it is always the same. Oh you honed your ability to do this? Your drawn because of that? I have read your letter 50 times before. And I don’t mean the contents. Let’s be real, most do not have an inspiring story about why they want to study, and that is okay, the program sounding good is a perfectly valid reason. But show me who you are (or what you want me to think who you are). I really developed an adverse reaction to these AI letters. I hate them because I know I’m reading a robots “thoughts”. By all means use the tools available to polish but don’t polish out your personality.
This will lead to motivation letters being abolished. And while for most people that’s great and a CV should speak for itself it will remove chances to get into a prestigious program for people who are not perfect or had the luck to grow up rich.
On the big scale there’s only one main concern for the current system: Can people adapt to new knowledge/functions as fast as changes occur. If they cannot, the labor market collapse. It took a while to adapt to cars but people succeeded, and someone might suggest that we can do the same now. I doubt that.
We are already in a very accelerated world compared to then, and whats worse is that the AI boom has just started and will accelerate faster and faster. ALL levels of the entire AI tech stack is accelerating. Hardware, algorithms, models, cognitive networks (agents), and a shitload of new papers every single day. All big tech are using current AI on all levels to accelerate development of the next AI, which will dev the successor etc.
Besides that, a lot of other global events will push the system towards a transition to something different.
Slowness in adopting AI in bizz are perhaps the only delay workers can hope for, so imho you can only prolong your current job and try to adapt as far as you can, not keep it. Timeline is difficult tho.