I’ve never seen Riven mentioned before! One of my absolute favorites, such a standout game and art design and lore and whatnot
I’ve never seen Riven mentioned before! One of my absolute favorites, such a standout game and art design and lore and whatnot
Oh, and 4.5 million cannabis users seems a little… “off” to say the least
The suspense is incredible. Some news sources say legalisation is basically certain (and it’s about time!) since the health committee has passed the bill on wednesday. It still has to go through the Bundesrat (federal assembly) and that seems to be where expectations don’t quite line up. It will be exciting to see where all of this is going.
Is the referee Adam Savage
Someone help her she’s alreaty being rasterized
Currently building an indirect backlight for my bathroom mirror. The outer ring is going to hold a piece of warm-white LED strip.
Huh, that’s weird. Double checking the part markings would’ve been my next suggestion, but the picture shows they’re correct. Maybe try a 1kOhm load resistor across Vout and GND, though in theory you should be able to see the output voltage without it.
Just to be sure: positive probe on Vin, negative probe on GND, measurement shows no minus sign?
Unlikely. Have you measured the voltage present at Vin?
You’re welcome!
I haven’t got enough time on my hands right now to review the whole desingn, but one thing that jumps to mind is that you’ll want to use an antiparallel diode on each relay coil to suppress the negative voltage spikes when switching it off.
Be sure to keep adequate distance between high and low voltage traces. The ground plane seems awfully close to the N trace.
Other than that, I’d happily welcome more PCB and/or personal project discussions!
Do you have more information on this? I’m working on a PCB that suffered from a broken ferrite due to flex.
Short answer: Fuck them
Long answer: Too bad they’re important for our ecosystem. But still, fuck them
“Underemployment is when workers are working less than full-time” that’s such a shitty reference, I’ll take every opportunity to NOT work 40 hours a week even if it means getting by with less money. Let me experience life a little, goddamn