I’m trying to build a esp8266 weather station and got some MCP1700-3302E to power the esp8266 from a lipo. But when I connect the lipo to the MCP1700 (looking at it flat spot at the front, ground left, Vin in the middle and Vout on the right) I get no output at Vout. I googled and could not find anything. I tested 5 different ones and it’s the same for all of them. Could I just have a batch of broken ones? Edit: attached a picture of my very simple test setup Edit 2: I just connected three lipo directly to Vin, that seems to work without any problems (at least for a few days now)
Unlikely. Have you measured the voltage present at Vin?
Yes, I measured across ground and Vin and it shows ~4V. Across ground and Vout 0V.
Just to be sure: positive probe on Vin, negative probe on GND, measurement shows no minus sign?
Yes, that’s what I did and what it shows. I also attached a picture of my test setup just in case I did something wrong there
Huh, that’s weird. Double checking the part markings would’ve been my next suggestion, but the picture shows they’re correct. Maybe try a 1kOhm load resistor across Vout and GND, though in theory you should be able to see the output voltage without it.
I tried with the resistor, same thing, 0V. I made two images showing the measurements