Because is shutting down, here is my new Lemmy Account:
Feel free to pm me there or on matrix instead of replying to my comments / posts.
Step 0.75: Learn UV Lithography by watching entire Asianometry back catalog.
I can touch my toes but I have to bend my knees instead of just my back. Does that still count?
Don’t your read the news? They are about to find all of the evidence and as soon a it is revealed it will change everything. Just like last month!
I think the best thing for me was not having a tablet in school. Mine was the last generation in our district not to get iPads to use in schools. One big reason I got into IT was with old school computers with barely any safety measures which made it fun to find ways around. I had no idea what I was doing, but trying to get minecraft running on it helped me discover things like VMs and dual booting which sparked my interest in computers. With these school managed iPads there is nothing to break or to mess around with. For others with no computer at home that can be experimented with, I could see it being hard to find out about such things.
Cause environment. Multiple the waste of burner phones (which are also terrible if you only use them for a few calls) also the burner laptop wouldn’t cost much less than a shitty Chromebook, possibly the same thing.
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