I am kind, and try to do no harm. I bicycle daily, and tinker on all kinds of projects. INFP
I could not find confirmation that biometrics are only stored on the device. In fact, I did see that iOS does at least part of the biometrics in it’s iCloud keychain.
It seems that Passkeys generally require a biometric scan of some kind. I would prefer a level of privacy where I am not providing images of my face or fingerprints to unknown agencies on the cloud.
Massive surveillance programs won’t stop crime. Instead it will be used to persecute target demographic groups.
Acts of authoritarian control always claim to be done “for the children”. They don’t care about children, they want control.
Also seeing this on Firefox with latest Ublock and newest ruleset. So far, I just accept then reload without actually changing anything and it works… For now.
I get out my popcorn, and hope McCarthy will push existing charges against Gaetz to have him dismissed from office.
The article compares Photography, (which despite being “created” by nature is copyrightable), to AI art. The difference between AI art and photography is that AI art is derivative of other artists and generalized into a Model. Nature is not derivative of other photography. Derivative work has special exemptions in copyright law which prevents it from being subject to copyright.
By holding the opponent’s lance between her legs in her crotch, she both pleasures herself, and prevents further attacks by her opponent.
You must not only take carefully managed risks, but you must take the correct risks.
I was just trying (and failing) to imagine a distribution and development framework which was limited to those entities which agreed with a set of social parameters.
Every implant legal agreement must include a clause allowing the patient to keep the device in the event of company bankruptcy.
In today’s skewed political spectrum, “Left” is what would be considered moderate in a reasonable perspective.
I never intend to use a flatpak or snap, and avoid them like the plague. The whole concept is incredibly ugly to me, and wasteful of computer resources.
From the charts in the article, it looks like levels of infection are up to where they were in May/June 2023. Were you wearing a mask then? It really begs the question: What is the threshold level of infection in which the wearing of masks is critically important?
Far right media considers “Fact Based” to be a “Liberal Bias”.
By refusing to let the protestors exit the freeway, the police caused the blockage of traffic to be over 3 hours longer, during the handling of all the arrests.
The basque people would love their land to be this large once again.
Sure seems to me that the California Utilities Commission is serving the big utility corporations at the expense of people wanting rooftop solar, and at the expense of our renewable energy future. Solar is cutting into their profits.