This just appeared on my screen when visiting YouTube. Yes, I use Ublock Origin. However, what is all of this about? Will I be banned from YouTube if I don’t comply?
take a look at this post for a workaround
Thanks. This worked perfectly.
many thanks!
Time once again for me to share something helpful that can be used with one of my favorite extensions
{ "createdBy": "Redirector v3.5.3", "createdAt": "2023-10-12T00:00:00.357Z", "redirects": [ { "description": "YouTube>YewTube", "exampleUrl": "", "exampleResult": "", "error": null, "includePattern": "^(?:https?):\\/\\/(?:\\w+\\.)?youtube\\.com(.+)?\\b", "excludePattern": "", "patternDesc": "Redirect Youtube", "redirectUrl": "$1", "patternType": "R", "processMatches": "noProcessing", "disabled": false, "grouped": false, "appliesTo": [ "main_frame" ] }, ] }
sorry to reply to this old comment but i just wanted to say the comma after the } on line 21 breaks it, remove that and it imports in and works great. thanks for the code!
I’ve just been clicking the X to close that popup and nothing has happened to me.
Also seeing this on Firefox with latest Ublock and newest ruleset. So far, I just accept then reload without actually changing anything and it works… For now.
I just click on x on the upper right corner and video plays
I have never seen it but also because I mainly use this
It’s an ad blocker blocker they’ve been implementing as of late. I don’t think you’ll be banned if you continue disregarding it, but they do eventually entirely block the video player unless you disable the ad blocker. However, in my experience, uBlock can block that message to resume normal watching. (Double Edit: This method did stop working on the 15/10/23, but started working again a day later. I guess it’s a question of if the filters have been updated to counter YouTube’s updates, though I did notice that viewing in a private tab worked when regular browsing didn’t.) Go to the extension’s settings/dashboard (on Firefox, do this by clicking on its icon in the top right, then the settings icon in the subsequent pop-up), then the Filter Lists, click “Purge all caches”, then “Update now”. Open an entirely new YouTube tab (or hard reload your current one by pressing Control + Shift + R), and the message should stop appearing, at least for the time being.
I did not try this method. I used the method posted by However, I am curious if it works for others.
Doesn’t work here. I started getting this a few days ago, and they don’t appear on every video. But right after I applied this solution, killed all the Chrome processes and reopened the browser, the very first video I started popped it up on me.
Edit: Just downloaded FreeTube. You got a choice, Google: you can stop bothering me about adblocking and continue to collect data on me through YouTube, or I’ll use something else, and you get nothing. Either way, I’m only going to consume content that I want to consume. That includes a lot of ad rolls that creators do themselves; lots of people make those entertaining to watch, and I watch those. And creator ad rolls don’t just cut in randomly in the middle of a sentence. They match the tone and appearance of the rest of the video. They don’t completely break continuity.
I highly recommend grabbing the libredirect extension and having all youtube links redirect to freetube.
deleted by creator
Me too. Is that not working for everyone else?
YouTube is threatening a 3 strike policy before they do something to your account
I’m going to cross-post this from Tildes, I didn’t write the comment, but combined with the advice about initializing uBlock above, it seems to have worked so far:
I use the Invidious method; whenever I want to watch or share a YouTube video, I’ll copy and paste the section after the YouTube domain to the suffix of an Invidious domain.
For example, I take the “watch?v=fIvXc5D_Xjg” from and paste it to the end of
This may also be a temporary work around, as YouTube can and will disrupt Invidious sites too if they accumulate enough traffic. The best long term solution is to encourage artists, journalists, and entertainers to share their free videos on PeerTube instances, and support federated video hosting.