But this will make the cost of eggs go down!/s
But this will make the cost of eggs go down!/s
Ugh, it would be awful lol
Me too and then I was like, have I been missing out on some sugar-related sexual experience this whole time!?
One day I noticed he hadn’t moved in like, a while. I opened the cage and went to pick him up, and he was hard as a rock. RIP Teddy.
My partner was on it for like a minute but I don’t think they use it anymore. Certainly not as much as I do.
My tinfoil hat theory that is all in jest is that Mars was “First Earth” and it got real fucked up and anything that was there got wiped out and what we see now is all that’s left of it.
Chalk and charcoal
We had an optional secret santa in 5th grade, meaning no kid was forced to participate if they didn’t want to. It ran the month of December, you were supposed to give 1 gift a week. The first week I got nothing. The second week I got a single marble. The 3rd week I got a single pencil. The 4th and final week I got a tin of Royal Dansk Danish butter cookies. As a 5th grader, it was the biggest fucking letdown, especially when all the other kids were getting candy, toys, etc, every week.
…Zavala, is that you?
For real. Or they remove the weapons and sell them separately, or the figurines from Lego sets. Special place in Hell for those people.
Some asshole Transformers action figure sellers on eBay who DISASSEMBLE THE FIGURES AND THEN SELL EACH PIECE SEPARATELY. Fuck those people, seriously.
I don’t , it’ll just make me cry harder and longer and that’s exhausting
This is awesome! Thanks for the link!
Even when I have extra income, I just cannot bring myself to spend several hundred dollars on Lego. They had this Batman shadowbox set that was fucking DOPE and yeah, I could have saved up to buy it, but if I did I know it wouldn’t make me happy knowing how much I’d spent on it, I’d just always think omg, I dropped hundreds of dollars on this, am I an idiot?
I have some spices that are probably pushing 10+ years old that are fine tossed, they’re probably just less flavorful than fresh ones.
Remember in like 2009 or something when the got rid of the wild fries and started only selling “fresh cut fries” that tasted fucking horrific? I boycotted that place and then wrote multiple complaints to the company. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one, they brought wild fries back eventually.
New Zealand