Former U.S. presidents are authorized a security detail from the Secret Service for life. If Trump loses the election and flees the country, does his security detail have to go with him if he requests it?
I imagine this could go down in a variety of ways: He departs the U.S. before he’s sentenced and just never returns, or he attempts to flees or does flees the U.S. after his sentencing. Either way, what happens to his security detail?
If he attempts to flees after he’s sentenced, I would hope the detail would refuse to take part in it (if he can even board a plane/leave the country to begin with), but given all their failings, who knows.
USSS is on this guy like flies on shit and you’d better believe he’s not going anywhere if he loses the election. TF do you think Harris is gonna do, just be like “yeah, that trump guy, fuck him, whatever.” Everyone knows that he’s a tremendous national security risk (which truly blows my mind - assholes are going to actively vote to sabotage their own country).
which truly blows my mind - assholes are going to actively vote to sabotage their own country
The problem is they don’t see it at all. Anyone who is truly in favor of Trump is watching propaganda that will always frame him as a poor victim of evil Democrat smear campaigns. Anyone else who is voting for him because they’re a Republican and they just always vote R is just not paying attention and also fall under the category of “not seeing it.” :(
Security is a privilege, not a mandate. Nixon dropped his in 1985.
Becoming a fugitive from justice would count as voluntarily giving up lots of privileges, the very least of which would be a publicly funded security detail.
I imagine they would just arrest him and hand him over for protection. Any member who allowed it would be breaking their oath and supporting an enemy of the state at that point would they not?
AFAIK ex-presidents aren’t allowed to leave the country without specific permission, due to all the classified crap in their heads. If one tried to flee the country, it would be their detail’s duty to detain them.
Heck, they’re not even allowed to drive in public roads… not that Trump has probably ever driven a car.
not that Trump has probably ever driven a car
Thanks for the confirmation, robobruddah
You could say the same about running off with boxes of classified docs and keeping them in a bathroom. Reality is they don’t care as long as he’s alive
You are assuming he is going to be sentenced in the US which as we’ve all seen is impossible.
He won’t be sentenced or ever face jail time.
The USSS would not have any obligation to a former president that is a fugitive from law.
As individuals they could abandon their service, which has serious legal remifications, and follow Trump of their own choice. I doubt any would do that because why they became USSS and how badly it would ruin their lives.
Good question, as is everything around trump as every situation with that loser is one that has never happened before