I like calling my trans gf a trap 😌
I like calling my trans gf a trap 😌
It’s a precious gift. I look for the others who care too much and then hold them close 🥹
This young trans girl i know was kicked out by her parents and moved to my city. She was hatecrimed a few weeks after she moved, and went to the police. She was convinced that they were on her side. One of the cops gave her his phone number and she got the impression that he was interested in her and was going to hook up with him. My friends and i very emphatically talked her out of it. I wonder if she would’ve survived.
Me (5’10") and my 5’2" gf (we are both girls)
A decade ago working at a retail store. My manager told me in a private meeting that i was expendable and he would fire me for any excuse. It’s not like i even did anything, it was just pure, spiteful power tripping. Later on i was bitching about what an asshole he is to some coworkers, and mimed him sucking the owner’s dick. I think one of my coworkers was sleeping with him, and i guess she told him. He was crying when he fired me. I feel a little bad, but also fuck that guy.
It’s ok to use self referential slurs. They’re our words 😌
So I technically can’t punch down on Americans
Black trans women in the United States are routinely assaulted and raped and have an HIV+ rate of 60%. You sure about that?
My point is that targeting vulnerable groups for humor isn’t funny, it’s just bullying and it’s sad. It shouldn’t be a controversial point.
Carry on spending the weekend in peace. My gf and i had some amazing sex when we woke up this morning, went to the farmer’s market, went to some cute shops, did cute gay stuff like holding hands while we walked all around our city. I’m content, for the first time in my life. Dying now wouldn’t be so bad.
Or just run everything in containers and use stock ubuntu or aws Linux or whatever.
Promise? 🥺
Just don’t punch down. Simple as.
Omg 😆 that’s a spectacular reference in this context. I miss eve online.
My gf almost never farts. She’s given me a complex about it, i stg. She says she trained herself not to by sheer willpower, and in spite of living together for almost 2 years, I’ve only caught her like twice.
So far there is a serious shortage of scientific papers demonstrating harm from microplastics. This paper attempts to make such a demonstration, but it does so by using extremely high concentrations, far beyond what could be achieved naturally.
While the concentration of plastic used in these solutions was higher than what a baby would be exposed to by eating from a microwaved food jar in real life
This popsci article briefly touches on this, but if you read the research paper, they actually used concentrations that were orders of magnitude higher. So high, in fact, that cell death would also occur with many inert and safe substances at these concentrations.
It’s very concerning that we’re exposing ourselves to this stuff without fully understanding it. But alarmist papers like this are unproductive at best. At worst, they lead to alert fatigue in consumers, in the vein of “this product is known to the state of California to cause cancer.”
DNS can be used to leak some information, but DNS over HTTPS is maturing, and hopefully Ukraine is using something like PGP or the signal protocol.
alias mybad=‘git add -u && git commit --amend --no-edit && git push --force-with-lease’
I have this 😌
She thinks it’s hot