You can also technically stick your winer in all of those…
One of them however is a one time experience…
It would have to be a hair trigger or hefty dong to set the trap off…
This is actually how they do gender affirmation surgery.
💀 rofl
deleted by creator
Just want to comment on the “trap is ok/not ok debate.”
It’s totally cool if you or your partner(s) identity as a trap. As an older trans girl, being a trap was a badge of honor. It meant not only do you pass, but you’re fucking hot. Almost like a trap/not trap distinction of attractiveness (which is also horribly misogynistic and demeaning), but it was a qualifier.
So I get it, part of me likes the idea of being called that - in a private, contextual sense. But the problem is the word and the connotation it has in the general zeitgeist, which implies that a trans person (typically a trans woman) “tricks” a man into having sex with her, and then deserves whatever happens to her, regardless of how dehumanizing it may be.
It is the horrible, completely unjustifiable rationale behind the Panic Defense, and that’s why it is a term that needs to be buried. Continued use of it is an unconscious signal that trans women are perpetrating some kind of deception just by existing in a man’s field of vision (if, of course, she comes close enough to cis white heteronormtive standards of beauty).
Be woke. Don’t say trap (except in the bedroom. And then smack my ass a little 😋).
What does it take to get to that point? It’s not like people “tell” you.
I think in a comic for example you can call someone a trap. Also if the person agrees thay can be called a trap if they like it. But dont just randomly call people slurs.
so THATS the original ive seen so many edits of this before lol
unless this is also an edit that just feels like it could be the originalAll three will also usually contain >3 grams of iron.
i am not capable of doing that iam FRAIL and WEAK and my arms are made out of SILLY STRING
Shins are pretty week. You should be able to kick right through them with less force than needed to hold up your body.
I like calling my trans gf a trap 😌
And she’s OK with it, right?
She thinks it’s hot
Hell yeah