Oh she’s absolutely awesome!
I’m just gonna say let’s call a spade a fucking spade. Especially if there were two spades done in succession based on the reaction of the first spade.
I’ve often heard about these legitimate fears, though why would revealing Satoshi’s real identity destabilise the bitcoin economy/make him a target?
Genuinely unsure.
Fertilizer is actually useful. I wouldn’t put Musk in the same category as fertilizer.
I’m not going to lie, it takes a lot of soul searching.
Start with what you’re passionate about. And I mean really passionate about. What could you talk to someone about for hours, or the one thing in your world that you want to make better, and it frustrates you that it isn’t.
Each journey is highly individual, though passion is a good place to start.
I have, without a word of a lie, watched Simon’s ‘Why’ talk at least two dozen times. I still get threads of gold from it each time I watch it, because each time I do watch it I’ve had a new experience, good or bad, that reinforces why I do what I do, and why they’ll likely have to drag me out in a body bag for me to truly leave what I do.
I’m just that passionate about it. However, that passion took years to develop. Indeed I didn’t even know I’d ultimately land in the career I’m in today 5 years ago, which was very different to my career path then.
Simon Sinek’s famous ‘Why’ speech.
It reminds me why it’s important to cut through bullshit and focus on what actually matters, by keeping in touch with my ‘why’, my “why do I get out of bed in the morning, and why should anyone care”, and how to communicate that to others.
… who is benefitting more from social safety nets? Walmart or the worker?
For those who can think critically: Walmart, because they don’t pay a living wage for full-time workers
For those who can’t think critically: the worker, because they’re ‘double-dipping’ by working full-time and are putting their hand out to receive government benefits.
We are talking about errors of perception measured by orders of magnitude.
The Lincoln Project has the right idea…
Ms. Mace is indeed, a cunt.
And I don’t mean the jovial mate-ship meaning of the word in Australian vernacular.
Trump’s malignant narcissism won’t let him be subordinate to someone else. So that idea is out.
Carr continued: “The purpose of the rule is to avoid exactly this type of biased and partisan conduct — a licensed broadcaster using the public airwaves to exert its influence for one candidate on the eve of an election. Unless the broadcaster offered Equal Time to other qualifying campaigns.”
Waiting for Fox News to be called out…
Bezos probably does give a shit about using WaPo as influence though, so whilst he might not be losing money, he’s certainly losing influence (however small that may be).
And it’s not necessarily influence over the election, but influence over Amazon’s presentation in WaPo to its readers.
If 10% of WaPo’s subscribers aren’t reading WaPo anymore, as is the implication with cancelling their subscription, then Bezos loses that influence, however small, with those people.
Can’t be. Dude’s not mellow, chill, or cool.
Donald Trump had a full-blown meltdown
How many more meltdowns before he becomes an angry puddle of orange faeces?
Imagine the rioting from the GOP if Obama had worn a tan suit for that speech…
A new poll shows 56% of Floridians plan to vote for Amendment 4, but unless the measure to enshrine a right to abortion in the state Constitution wins 60% of the vote in November, the state will continue to live under a six-week ban.
The actual report is linked in the article.
There’s a lot of redaction in it…
It’s quite poetic that they’re painting ‘wokeness’, signified by the ‘W’ of the paint strokes, over language the machine itself is calling ‘woke’…