Donald Trump’s repeated gaffes, non sequiturs and unusual behavior have opened the door to questions from opponents about the 78-year-old Republican presidential nominee’s mental and physical fitness.
From bopping to the beat of his music playlist for nearly 40 minutes at a recent swing state town hall to his pro-Vladimir Putin blaming of Ukraine for Russia’s invasion, to criticizing former President Abraham Lincoln for not “settling” the Civil War, to riffing on locker room gossip about a pro golfer’s anatomy, Trump is providing plenty of fodder for rivals who’ve declared him “unhinged” and worse.
As Republicans did to 81-year-old President Joe Biden earlier this year, Democrats including horror novelist Stephen King and former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are seizing every opportunity to bash Trump − and it’s a target-rich environment.
I’m in my late forties. I have a regular boring, bull shit life like the rest of you jerk-offs. And I’m fucking tired.
And they expect me to believe this nearly twice my age, bloated saggy diaper is somehow healthier and more energetic than me? What’s he pumped up on besides inflated ego and McCrack?
Can’t be. Dude’s not mellow, chill, or cool.
Imagine Trump as a Stoner.
“And they tell me, they tell me…” rips bong “Donald, (cough) Donald, you are the man with the… with the most vision”
Yes, Marijuana. The world’s strongest stimulant.
Just run an ad with Trump talking shit about how old Biden is but with Trump footage.
I’ll be disappointed if the Harris campaign doesn’t have that cued up for the week before Election Day
Don’t you think he looks tired.
Came here for this
Sleepy Don
Don’t you think he looks tired?
Bill Clinton is younger than Donald Trump and Clinton left office nearly a quarter-century ago.
He’s 78. He shouldn’t be president for that fact, if nothing else.
He is the oldest person to ever run for President…
You can keep trying it guess. I don’t think, though, that if his voters can’t see he’s a fascist after everything he’s said and done and the things his closest allies have said; after a the coup attempt of last election; anything will get through to them.
Instead of painting him as old, they should be painting him as weak. That’s what they really care about.
No stamina
Just ask Stormy.
Getting stiffed in the wallet but not in the sack.
We should call him Tired Trump
Very old fat man is tired.Sad!
If elected you’ll lose rights and all at the very low price of a president who is too old to do the job or even care
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