leagues are bullshit. the problem is having higher standards for others than for yourself. if you don’t want to settle for someone like yourself, focus on improving yourself not trying to date.
leagues are bullshit. the problem is having higher standards for others than for yourself. if you don’t want to settle for someone like yourself, focus on improving yourself not trying to date.
I dont have any specific llms to recommend but if you do want to go that route you could always run it remotely through something like Google collab.
But I don’t know if I would trust the results of an llm doing this as any mistake would make your entire resume untrustworthy
I hope they find a way to add more variety to the gameplay interactions. Not just having a variety of builds that work though that’s important too. but it feels like no matter what your build is you then have the same approach to all encounters. There’s lots of different mob types and random modifiers on them but either it breaks your build and you can’t clear them…or you clear them the same way you clear everything else.
And for context, it does this because cheaters are willing to run cheats that run at that kernel level, and the only way to detect and prevent them is if the anticheat is in your kernel first.
Correct, though to be pedantic anyone can be a CA- you just generate a cert with the right bits to say it’s a ca certificate and then use it to sign any other certificate you want.
But the only devices that will consider your signature worth anything are ones you also install your ca certificate on. So it’s useful and common in internal networks but isn’t really what is being asked here.
The hard part is getting in the root CA store of operating systems and browsers. As far as I know they are all maintained independently with their own requirements.
it’s frustrating that people react and spread misinformation without doing the bare minimum of research, but I don’t think making obvious satire is frustrating. if anything hopefully people learn from it and stop taking screenshots of things as truths
All I can think of are some variations of you trusting a service to validate your id and give you a token that just asserts your id has been validated.
But it’s still not really privacy preserving because it relies on trusting both parties to not collaborate against your privacy. if at some point the id provider decides to start keeping records of what tokens were generated from your id, and the service provider tracking what was consumes with that token, then you can still put it all back together.
then I would install one
Isn’t the last version already that…well…last version?
If anything they could just leverage their work with proton that allows steam to play windows games on Linux to provide similar compatibility shims for old windows on modern windows
just say I help improve ad blockers on YouTube and refuse to elaborate.
They don’t provide stuff for free, they provide stuff in exchange for your data and to sell ads.
The average user uses sleep mode and wakes from sleep. Sleep mode should be under 10w, or around $1/mo.
growing it like a garden is a perfect phrase imo
because on windows or Mac it may have just worked. …until it doesn’t, or leaves your windows scaled wrong or placed on monitors that don’t exist or some other failure condition. at which point you reboot and hope for the best.
when it doesn’t work on Linux I’d check logs, actual configuration, and even the source if I need to.and then I’d hopefully improve things and make it work the way I want it to.
i have physical access to my own yubikey and can’t make a backup copy. someone else who only temporarily has access to it being able to do so is definitely a vulnerability.
it sounds like you understand the value of using water to clean your butthole after you poop… so why not spend the $30 on a bidet just in case you ever do have a poop and don’t want to shower? or hell just so you don’t use as much TP before hopping in the shower. or for anyone else using your toilet and not wanting to hop in the shower…
it does feel ambiguous though as even what you outlined misses a 4th case. if null means delete, how do I update it to set the field to null?
I assume they meant check the wattage of the car charger output. some powerbanks have displays now and can show you it’s input or output.
… All phones also have displays and should show you the same thing but don’t.
pc has already had this with Xbox game bar and the perf impact isnt really noticable. if I recall correctly modern gpus have some dedicated chips for video rendering that are otherwise idle. I would assume there is some hit to vram that could hurt if you’re limited on it, but for most people it should be fine.
it’s not about using all 100 IP addresses for every atom
it’s about having large enough ranges to allocate them in ways that make sense instead of arbitrarily allocating them by availability
I used to have a batch file to create a ram disk and mirror my Diablo3 install to it. The game took a bit longer to start up but map load times were significantly shorter.
I don’t know if any modern games would fit and have enough loads to really care…but you could