For for those curious, Chief Justice Roberts and Amy Coney-Barrett were the ones that joined the 3 Justices following the Constitution.
Gorsch, Alito, Thomas, and Kavanaugh dissented
For for those curious, Chief Justice Roberts and Amy Coney-Barrett were the ones that joined the 3 Justices following the Constitution.
Gorsch, Alito, Thomas, and Kavanaugh dissented
Solo Leveling, Severance, Yellow Jackets
Cat: “I thought you said please TO bend”
Wouldn’t this be a state or city level crime?
Do you have a website recommendation that’s accurate? Or are they all pretty much the same?
It would have been funnier to say ‘speaks random Italian words’ for the people relying on CC
In college, early 90s, our student IDs had our photo and SSN on it
I’ve operated ever since under rhe assumption anyone and everyone has access to it.
Then with all the data breaches over the last 10/15 years? Freeze credit reports with the 3 reporting agencies for free. Check for extra accounts with the free annual credit report pulls.
For all practical purposes, our SSNs are easily obtained by someone who wants it.
I’m not sure what the solution is, but a unique identifier has to be housed somewhere where in can be accessed in a format humans can read, which means it can be accessed and dumped so it’s no longer private or secret.
I’m not a fan of biometrics, and I tolerate 2FA. I really think it’s more important we change how we think about and use personal, unique, identifiers (like SSNs)
Why you gotta call me out.
I’m in a safe-ish area and was told 2 claims in 3 years and they wouldn’t renew my insurance. Been here over 20 years and had one claim 10 years ago.
Had lightning hit and called the insurance directly, they opened a claim number but we ended up not using it. Meaning they paid $0 because it turned out to be a simple fix, it was just scary in the moment at 3am with water gushing out (not into the house). So we just paid the $300 to fix it and they closed the claim.
Two years after that we called when a tree hit the house, went a different route and called the independent agent first, not the insurance company directly and that’s when we learned if we started a claim for the tree damage, they probably wouldn’t renew. Ended up being almost $3000 out of pocket so we can keep the house insured and the mortgage company happy.
Omg, I forgot this, when one of our girl cats was in her “toddler” years, she would go to the spring coil door stop and take her paw and boinoinoing it, over and over and over on a door nearby but just out of line of sight. If you said her name she’d stop for 30 seconds and start again. Repeat until you got up and paid attention to, petted, held, or fed her.
He knows his presence is the best present
NOOO!!! This is the Torment Nexus of toilets… now some company is going to do this…
I would argue that people we care for are already under attack and dying… some of them directly because of bad policies, political and corporate.
She clearly said the risk of pregnancy was due to policy decisions, not bad men. She obviously adores her husband and he adores her. One of the points is that even happily married couples who should be able to have sex can’t have sex because the medical risk is too great because of decisions made by a government and not medical professionals and their patients.
They sound like people that would like to have children one day. But if the medical care isn’t available they are gambling on o will they get: 1 - a healthy baby and two alive healthy parents 2 - a baby and a grieving dad (wife dead) 3 - only a grieving husband (wife and baby dead) 4 - no baby, grieving parents, and a wife with possible lifetime disability, and/or infertility 5 - a severely disabled baby that the parents get to watch suffer for days and weeks or longer before it dies of something we already know is incompatible with life.
The rest of it is trying to figure out how to support other women, through 4B or however possible, that are in other situations from her own.
Seriously. I managed a small rock band for a while. We got picked to tour with another band in some clubs in Eastern Europe. This was pre-Spotify, but Facebook strong.
We had no CD sales pre-tour to these places, just some views on youtube. We were relying a lot on the other band.
But the people that came to the shows?They knew the words and sang along and we had a great time.
Someone had our music and shared it before we got there. And we were grateful for those pirates!! And yes, we sold some merch and CDs at the shows.
If not for the pirates it would have been a much different experience with a lot less people showing up.
Our band never “made it” but it was still a successful tour and a helluva lot of fun. In large part because our music was pirated and shared ahead of time.
Under his eye?
He lacks the depth and the warmth
I mean, Kamala is running on policies that would help the little guy. And she might lose to guy who SA’s women and said he could shoot someone in the street.
If she wins and we get a peaceful transfer of power, then I’ll have more faith in your dream.
But right now, it seems like violence is what the masses crave over social reform.
What would be a more accurate version?