Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was arrested near the U.S. Capitol for allegedly assaulting a protester by striking her phone and arm.
Tarrio had just left a press conference alongside other far-right figures pardoned by Donald Trump for their roles in the January 6 attack.
Tarrio was previously serving a 22-year sentence for seditious conspiracy before Trump’s mass clemency.
A recent poll shows most Americans disapprove of pardoning Capitol rioters. Tarrio’s attorney has not yet commented on the new charges.
They just can’t help themselves. They just have to be violent assholes and prove their inferiority to everyone else whenever they have the chance.
he’ll be pardoned because this is the kind of loser our two presidents are
Yeah, that’s likely the test right now. Does tarrio serve a month in jail or does he get immediately pardoned. If he’s pardoned, that’s a pretty strong signal for the brown shirts to start attacking people.
Be careful out there and don’t expect the law to be fairly applied :(
Sometimes you read something and it just hits you what an obvious and correct statement of truth it is. That happened when I read your comment, and it almost literally sent chills down my spine.
That’s why next time make sure to get it on video and defend yourself in a way it makes it very hard for him to ever try it again.
Defend yourselves. Record everything. Livestream trash like Tarrio being aggressive. Level the playing field with these fascists. Show them as the aggressors. We all know they are, but most don’t.
Wait, who’s the second president? Musk and … ?
Presumably Trump? But that can’t be right… We all know Trump is just President Musk’s “coffee boy.”
his covefeffer, if you will
Musk and his shitty crotch fruit who told Trump he isn’t president.
Did that kid really say that? If there’s video of that I need to see it.
Yeah, also that he needed to “shush” and that trump “needed to go now”
Wouldn’t this be a state or city level crime?
D.C. isn’t a state, and capitol police are Federal officers. It’s a legally weird place.
✨ legally weird for historical slavery reasons ✨
Who knows anymore
Elon and Musk?
He has small dick energy. He should go and work for Tesla.
They only accept incels with mangled dick energy, sorry Enrique.
That only works until they find a leftist who is armed and fed up with their shit. Then they take the pine box challenge.
“Welp, I’m gonna need another pardon, boss!!”
Fucking idiots are just emboldened assholes now. And with good reason.
Dude’s name is Enrique Tarrio. Can’t we get some inbreds to burn crosses on his lawn?
Imagine how angry this guy must be - he’s essentially a white supremacist, and yet, every white supremacist, no matter who they are, still thinks they are default better than him…
I mean, you also have to be a very special kind of stupid to have a name like Enrique Tarrio and run around with the redcaps.
I cannot imagine what that level of cognitive dissonance must be like…
And he’s already been released.
Enrique Tarrio can go jump up his own butt.
Everyone in the comments talking about him just getting a 2nd pardon, you’re assuming the charges stick.
Pushing the line to see what they can get with. They’re going to start killing people soon.
Eniriqueeeee don’t you go assaulting minorities before you finish your tostones or you are going to get the chancla
I thought Proud Boys were white?
my uncle is half Mexican and he gave himself a swastika tattoo
people are crazy
The fuck
Like I said
people are crazy
Is he being charged at the state level? Get this motherfucker in prison again and keep him there, please!
I’m sorry… Enrique???
yes, hes cuban descent, and they called him a token black guy before too in his supremecy group.
Here’s hoping they all end up back in jail.
Enrique Tarrio is the kind of person that used to squeeze their acne in high school, for fun.
Wait… I did that! Am I a trum…I can’t say it! No! No! Noooooooo!
Doesn’t everyone squeeze their pimples in high school?
Maybe not for sport, like this guy.
“The woman told our officers that she wanted to be a complainant, and [Tarrio] was arrested for the simple assault,” police said in a statement.
Assault in the Fourth degree in Washington can get you for even a tap or push. If this woman knew who Enrique was, she could have very easily (and intentionally) got him arrested for this:
That’s the Washington state legislature. This happened in Washington DC.
If this woman knew who Enrique was, she could have very easily (and intentionally) got him arrested for this
Or, and stay with me here, she’s a victim who was attacked by a man who leads a group characterised as: Misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic and anti-immigration.
You know he actively did it, he’s not the kind of asshole that keeps his hands to himself, as evidenced by, well, everything about him and his history.
It’s not hard to keep your hands to yourself. You just don’t touch. It’s literally one of the first things parents teach kids.
wrong washington