Technical ability is very much linked to age. Same as playing the piano is linked to how much you practice
Technical ability is very much linked to age. Same as playing the piano is linked to how much you practice
They are actually maximizing their profit
I don’t see many men disrobing in just chatting, i gee, i wonder why women were disproportionately banned
I wouldn’t say compulsive, i dont feel compulsion to lie. Yet sometimes to lie is the better way.
No, no and yes. Everybody lies
Yes, if the market says so
As i have said, i do not agree with many core beliefs of fascism. Power should definitely not be centralized in the hands of the government (dictator). If anything, countries are fake control-hungry scams and should be abolished. To the second point, i hate kids. I wouldn’t go close to them even if Epstein paid me :)
No, I hate children. Little screaming idiots.
No, as a libertarian i believe that the government power should not be centalized in the hands of a dictator.
I do not agree with most of fascist core ideologies. I’m more libertarian
Why are poor people making children?
Yeah, true. I never want to come into contact with you either.
I always argue that human learning does exactly the same. You just parrot and after some time you believe it’s your knowledge. Inventing new things is applying seen before mechanisms on different dataset.