2 years agoEvery sunday I put my trash on the curb which gives the homeless an opportunity to rummage through it for anything useful. Simply put Im a philanthropist. Im also really good at putting lipstick on a pig.
Every sunday I put my trash on the curb which gives the homeless an opportunity to rummage through it for anything useful. Simply put Im a philanthropist. Im also really good at putting lipstick on a pig.
There is no magic market. Prices dont magically rise on their own. Behind every price hike is a human being who made that decision. A person with an address, family, and a larger bank account than you. Why does one feel it necessary to apologize and shift blame for an invisible wealthy person youve never met?
Same thing online. Block and move on. Dont engage with the shit stirrers, leave them shouting into the void.
How would I set up an rss feed of my reddit account?
“Fake news” is a thought terminating cliche. Once you understand this tactic you see they use it all the time. “Woke” is another one. Invent a word with no real meaning that your lukewarm IQ base can ascribe their own meaning to which makes it universal and whenever youre getting handed your ass in a debate drop the fake word and strut around as though you won the argument. These are easy to identify because typically when theyre used theyre thrown out as a “mic drop moment”. Boom bitch, no need for further discussion cuz you got owned. Leaving the sane individual confused because well…you just threw out a made up word and claimed victory?