Summary: “Beyoncé is selling “listening only” tickets for her Renaissance tour. The seats are behind the stage, so you can’t see any of the set or dancing, but they only cost $157 compared to the ~$900 fans have been paying for regular US tickets.”
fuuuuuuuck that.
I’m reminded of the meme:
“Capitalism breeds innovation!
The innovation:”
So does this mean what used to be “the cheap seats” become mid-tier seats? This makes me think of this sub-economy airline tickets. Everything just gets worse and worse.
It is the E3 part (the Eventual Enshittification of Everything) of Capitalism that They forgot to warn Us about when They invented it.
E3 for thee but not for me.
You can still drop 1k for front row, ain’t nobody stopping you hehe
actually, ticketmaster’s system + automated seat grabs could very much be “stopping you”. ;) Yay monopolies!
I mean, if you’re blind it’s probably a sweet deal if you want the experience of going to a concert of hers but have no need for a prime seat.
Or if you value the experience of going to a Beyonce concert without breaking the bank, or if you’re willing to trade off an amount of the experience for a 85% discount. There’s always a set of seats that are behind the stage, and there’s a lot of people who want to see a Beyoncé concert but can’t.
Without breaking the bank would be 20-60 Dollars
You can’t get breakfast in a major city these days for 20 bucks, forget one of the biggest artists on the planet right now.
I understand that, still those prices are ridiculous compared to wages
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Your opinion. My opinion.
if you’re willing to trade off an amount of the experience for a 85% discount.
I feel this is being a bit disingenuous. Most artists do tiered seating. It’s not like every seat available in the venue was $900 unless you get seats behind the stage.
Fuck these ultra wealthy pop stars. They are part of the problem. There are millions of independent artists across hundreds of genres we can support instead.
And I know it’s subjective to a large extent but 90% of pop is absolute garbage.
while Beyonce et al are part of the problem, the ticket monopoly giant capitalist machine sure ain’t helping - and that affects even indie artists with a decent following.
True but I go to shows for bands all the time that don’t fuck with ticket master and do it all DIY, never paid more than 20-30$ for a ticket.
Those monopolies suck but Beyonce doesn’t need to be charging that much money for you to listen and not even be able to see it. It’s a greedy cash grab and she looks disgusting doing it.
It just absolutely sucks that Ticketmaster dominates mainstream organized concert going.
The problem isn’t exactly the pop stars but live nation’s monopoly which strangles every aspect of the live music industry. As a musician if you want to preform at almost any large venue you’ll have to get in bed with live nation or be black listed. If you run venue you better join live nation’s network and use ticket master or else you won’t be able to book money making artists. And as a fan you better buy your price gouged tickets through ticket master or else you won’t get to see anyone play.
Except you can’t actually buy the tickets through Ticketmaster because it throws errors for the first 5 seats you find, and then it’s sold out. You have to buy them from scalpers, which Ticketmaster now encourages and even allows them to resell right there on Ticketmaster.
Absolutely agree! Most of the pop scene is just rubbish squared… I wonder who the fuck is listening to that bullshit? Are most of the people so stupid?
And… 900$ for a fucking ticket?! Are they NUTS? I wouldn’t pay that to see my favourite artist let alone Beyoncé. In 2017 I paid 100$ for close to stage tickets at LP concert. That was to much (but worth it)… 900$ is just another another level of insanity.
What do you expect from a woman who claims to empower girls, while making them work in her sweatshops, while she’s off doing private concerts for amoral Saudi princes.
I’m not one to hate on pop stars but her image always perplexed me. She’s clearly an awful human being but somehow avoids being canceled because she’s pretending to empower minorities.
Outside of BLM, her image since she went independent has always been to be strategically silent on a lot. She doesn’t tweet or even try to communicate her views on the world.
Interviews from when she was in Destiny’s Child show she had the education of someone you would expect who spent their teen years working on their singing career instead of focusing on high school or going to college.
She is a symbol because she can be a symbol. Her PR team seem to operate the same way the British Royal Family does; don’t comment on controversy and heavily control press events.
And it works.
@HobbitFoot I saw some video last week talking about how Jay-Z was one of the faces of Black Conservatism and I’d never really considered it. Their marriage always seemed more like a corporate merger to consolidate power and branding potential. So it wouldn’t shock me if she’s a very careful curated personality to maximize profits than anything.
If you read into their early history, you can almost make the argument that Jay-Z groomed Beyonce to be his wife/talent. And it worked.
Jay-Z’s biggest talent is knowing who to collaborate with to make commercially successful music, and he obviously shared that gift with his wife to keep her career going long after her type of music was commercially viable. So if Beyonce divorced Jay-Z the husband, she is also divorcing Jay-Z the manager.
She doesn’t tweet or even try to communicate her views on the world.
I wish more celebrities would follow her lead on that subject.
I used to go to a lot of concerts, but after COVID they got too expensive. $100 is insane for a ticket. $900 is almost rent. Who is her target audience?
you got a lot of imbeciles in this world. So them
She is popular in the realm that a significant percentage of society are fans.
So the rich from that group.
Wait 900$ for a concert? That’s dumb enough for me.
they’ve gotten crazy if you are a big-big name like Swift, Beyonce, Drake, etc. Don’t know how people can drop that kind of scratch!
I don’t know if there is anything in live entertaining I would pay 900, or actually I’m pretty sure there is nothing.
Festivals where you’re there for multiple days and seeing dozens of artists are the only thing I’d drop money like that on. One artist? Not a chance.
Dang, would never pay that much money for a festival - would just workt there :D
Don’t know how people can drop that kind of scratch!
Credit cards!
been there, did that, did not end well.
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I don’t understand why people are willing to pay that much for tickets. The “market” is ridiculously inflated. After my last experience at a live nation event first and only one in a long time, not for me not dealing with that cluster fuck and rip off trap ever again.
Live nation ticket checking procedure is dumb AF. You have to be online to show the ticket but because the Wi-Fi and 5g arent working because 10k plus people are trying to use them it causes a problem. Then they don’t give you an arm band so every time I had to piss or whatever I had to show my ticket to get back to my seat. I cussed them out the 3rd time, almost got booted. I hate getting controlled like idiot sheep. Live nation doesn’t accept cash and want 17 bucks a drink. Force you to buy liquid death water too because fuck you pay me.
I’m sticking to smaller venues, ones that dont have share holders to impress.
I agree with your sentiments, but you don’t need to cuss out the people just working at the venue. By all means boycott any and all events that go through live nation / ticketmaster, but there’s no need to pour your anger on the venue workers.
Because they like Beyonce that much?
I’d pay $157 for Beyonce to shut the fuck up.
I’ll chip in
If i was forced to buy a ticket, i would prefer the cheaper one.
900 dollars… lol
900 is insane. Ain’t no concert worth the price of a computer where I can make my own damn music lol.
I saw this posted elsewhere a few days ago, and people made a good point that folks who are blind or have limited vision still go to concerts and will buy those tickets. The price is another I guess, but the seats themselves are valuable to the blind community.
To be fair, a blind person probably wouldn’t know the difference.
These aren’t marketed as “handicap accessible seating” but rather as “yall poors can’t afford my $900 stadium seats, so I have to capitulate at the request of my management team”.
I appreciate your optimism, though!
Every sunday I put my trash on the curb which gives the homeless an opportunity to rummage through it for anything useful. Simply put Im a philanthropist. Im also really good at putting lipstick on a pig.
I’m all for accessibility but I don’t think this that’s what this is.
If it’s behind the stage won’t the sound be much worse though? The speakers are out front and facing the crowd
Before everyone freaks out (and yes, this shit is stupid-expensive), Beyoncé isn’t a complete piece of shit. But I guess you can afford this when you charge that much:
Beyoncé’s tour paid $100,000 to extend DC Metro hours after weather delayed show
Beyoncé’s “Renaissance” tour paid $100,000 to keep all 98 Metro stations in the Washington, DC, area open for an extra hour after Sunday’s show at the outdoor FedExField venue was delayed because of heavy rain and lightning, a news release from the transit authority said.
Blind people might be interested?
If it was an accessibility thing, I’d get it. But it ain’t.
Times like these I’m so glad I love metal. I can pay 30 bucks to WATCH, listen and go sick to a band full of talent. I’d be livid if I was an artist and saw that my fans were having to pay $900
I’m watching 156 quality bands at brutal assault for like 100 euro
Niiice! I’m seeing Be’lakor when they get back from their Euro tour for $30 in September. Can’t ask for better than that!
No way. Be’lakor is my most anticipated band on the brutal assault lineup. I have been listening since stone’s reach!!
Well, I hope you enjoy :0) They sound amazing live, i’ve seen them once before last year and I can’t wait to see them again in a few weeks time.
I paid $60 for 5th row tickets to Ween at red rocks and $5 for a hit of acid - probably better than a front row Beyoncé ticket. $900 for anything but a combined front row/meet and greet/over the pants HJ from an artist sounds just absolutely insane to me.
This sounds like streaming music with extra steps.