For every good idea he has 5 very bad and/or dangerous ones.
For every good idea he has 5 very bad and/or dangerous ones.
Gonna finally take up hiking
What is the missed approach procedure for this airport?
Because our ancestors did it and they were strong Chads.
So we’re doing terrorism charges for all homicides in NYC now right? Right?
I wish you were wrong
Won’t that upset his base? You know, the ones that said DT is a peaceful dove while the blood thirsty democrats want to sacrifice all of Ukraine for profit. Or will that claim go away like the rampant fraud claims?
That’s completely inappropriate. That boulder could be turned into a statue.
He should put it back on. He keeps taking it off so he never gets used to it. Like I said. Three weeks of hell. Keep that sucker on.
Three weeks of agony. Totally worth it. I have a deviated septum so I can’t do a nose pillow, but there’s really low impact options if you’re able.
Young vesemir FTW?
I tried to explain to a luddite like 10 years ago that their healthcare costs would go down. He said he doesn’t care, he doesn’t want to pay for someone else’s healthcare. He had insurance through work. I tried explaining to him that THAT’S the whole point of insurance, you pay for other people’s healthcare, you’re not just paying into an account that you then draw from. Your premium goes to someone else’s cancer treatment. He said I didn’t understand insurance. Dude had 3 kids too. So his healthcare costs proportionally to mine would have been waaayyy lower.
Like, it’s a no brainer.
Chipotle isn’t necessary to survive. I get that it’s a joke but it’s not the same
That’s a lot of words for you to say “my initial position was wrong and dumb.” Get better material
Its cute how you’re still trying. And if she’s a stranger why bring her up? So it appears my second statement was correct. You weaponized your aunt in an internet argument in a desperate attempt to gain the moral high ground. Congratulations on showing your cold dead heart. And me pointing out how infantile your comebacks are isn’t more projection. So what, you can throw around insults but as ssoon as someone hits back THEY’RE projecting? Give me break. I had your number before I even commented. Every comment just exposes your hypocrisy. But go on, keep on digging your hole. Go on, tell me how I’m projecting. You’re so predictable.
And no, this isn’t the first time I’ve taken out the trash. Go outside please
“projection” the ol’ “I’m rubber you’re glue” comeback. Seems I hit the nail right on the head. You’re not as clever as you tell yourself.
Maybe go visit your aunt, that callous “some facility” makes my bones ache. You should keep up with those you love. Or was that a bad faith attempt to make me feel bad and your aunt is just fine? The world may never know. Only you can know in that black little heart of yours.
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They know he ditched the backpack in central park. He had it on when he went in and off when he left.
Because he didn’t kill a CEO.