The alt right crowd are weird as shit. Nobody gave a fuck about “raw milk” until the last year or so.
I’ve seen signs for raw milk in the UK now. The local Facebook groups have tinfoil hat types who think there’s a giant conspiracy about Arla (huge milk wholesaler) milk not selling, and taking photos of milk in shops to “prove” it…
The world seems to be in a mental health crisis, and while I’m not suggesting reopening Bedlam lunatic asylum we should probably pay some attention to this. Social media has a lot to answer for
I work at a tailgate market in a left leaning area. There’s always one or two people who come looking for raw milk and I have to explain that the milk we sell is UV pasteurized instead of heat pasteurized, so the proteins are more intact. They’re never satisfied with that. They tend to have accents, so I assume they use to get raw milk in their country, but in their country, the milk isn’t being mixed from hundreds of cows, possible from completely different farms, so the rick of contamination is much higher.
I tell them to find a farm and tell them you want to make cheese. It’s not my problem if they want to make themselves sick.
People who make cheese as a hobby have called for the ability to buy raw milk for years.
That said alot of people in the hobby also confuse pasteurization with homogenization. I can get cheese almost as good as raw milk by mixing pasturized skim and heavy cream together. Trying to use Homogenized milk results in a mess.
I think the foothold thought was that pasteurization destroys more than just bacteria, and milk might be healthier and/or tastier without having been changed by that process. Of course taste is largely culturally acquired - example A being Germans and UHT milk - but lots of people fancy themselves taste-o-philes.
Then the mistrust of “them” kicked in, and if “they” said the risk of pathogenic bacteria far outweighed any marginal health benefit, the “truth” must be the opposite.
I think it was originally a “do we really need the government to mandate this” when they were appealing to the idea of like, a small family farm with people idyllically milking a single cow into a bucket. Then that idea morphed into an actual advocacy of drinking it when it got combined with the sort of “crunchy” “paleo” pseudoscience “health nut” movements.
I feel like it used to be a super far left thing but the spectrum is a horseshoe as I’m sure you know. I also think it comes a bit from the prepper community which tends to be “libertarian”
I grew up drinking raw milk because we were milking 50 head of cows every day. Why make a 50 mile round trip to buy something we 500 gallons of right there in the yard. No one died or even got sick from it. Is it better for you? I don’t know or care. It’s what we had and the price was right. And it’s VERY unlikely any of you would actually want to drink it. And this includes the magahats also. It tastes nothing like the stripped down and flash pasteurized milk you are used to.
That said, for the commercial milk you buy and drink, it’s an absolute must to pasteurize the milk. It’s going to take a week for that milk to get from the dairy to your refrigerator and you expect it last another week or two. And so food safety demands it.
In any case, it’s not illegal to drink raw milk. You just can’t sell it to other individuals. If you want raw milk all you need do is to simply get your own cow and milk it. Then you can drink it all you want.
Tastes better. Probiotic, so can be healthier. Risk is very low of contamination, low enough that the mandate for pasteurized milk was kinda overblown, but technically safer.
I find the posturing the funniest. Conservatives trying to act tough by drinking raw milk is hilariously tame. It’s like being proud of not wearing sun screen when mowing the lawn. Like, that’s arguably fine either way, but sunscreen is a little safer but…why would you brag about that?
Objectively not true. Zero actual evidence to support that. Also probiotic in itself is not a real thing and the only scientifically probiotic thing is fiber, any fiber because unsurprisingly to care for your bacteria you… need to feed and protect them not introduce more fuckboy dudes coming in trying to fuck shit up lol.
Oh please do go and fuck off. I’ve had to spend a ridiculous portion of my life reading the research on probiotics, and how they work is not entirely understood, but it’s a far better established idea than “[introducing] more fuckboy dudes” into the targeted ecosystem.
It’s attention seeking behavior. They blatantly break small rules with (usually) small risks to get a rise out of people. My 5-year-old does the same thing.
Need to kick things up a notch. What we really need is for scientists to start talking about how bad slitting your wrists is. That’s how you get attention.
There might be one or two far leftists here. Seriously curious, does anyone here think drinking raw cow’s milk is a good idea? Why?
The alt right crowd are weird as shit. Nobody gave a fuck about “raw milk” until the last year or so.
I’ve seen signs for raw milk in the UK now. The local Facebook groups have tinfoil hat types who think there’s a giant conspiracy about Arla (huge milk wholesaler) milk not selling, and taking photos of milk in shops to “prove” it…
The world seems to be in a mental health crisis, and while I’m not suggesting reopening Bedlam lunatic asylum we should probably pay some attention to this. Social media has a lot to answer for
I work at a tailgate market in a left leaning area. There’s always one or two people who come looking for raw milk and I have to explain that the milk we sell is UV pasteurized instead of heat pasteurized, so the proteins are more intact. They’re never satisfied with that. They tend to have accents, so I assume they use to get raw milk in their country, but in their country, the milk isn’t being mixed from hundreds of cows, possible from completely different farms, so the rick of contamination is much higher.
I tell them to find a farm and tell them you want to make cheese. It’s not my problem if they want to make themselves sick.
People who make cheese as a hobby have called for the ability to buy raw milk for years.
That said alot of people in the hobby also confuse pasteurization with homogenization. I can get cheese almost as good as raw milk by mixing pasturized skim and heavy cream together. Trying to use Homogenized milk results in a mess.
I think the foothold thought was that pasteurization destroys more than just bacteria, and milk might be healthier and/or tastier without having been changed by that process. Of course taste is largely culturally acquired - example A being Germans and UHT milk - but lots of people fancy themselves taste-o-philes.
Then the mistrust of “them” kicked in, and if “they” said the risk of pathogenic bacteria far outweighed any marginal health benefit, the “truth” must be the opposite.
It’s easier too if you’re the one milking, with the exception that pasteurization also extends shelf life
I think it was originally a “do we really need the government to mandate this” when they were appealing to the idea of like, a small family farm with people idyllically milking a single cow into a bucket. Then that idea morphed into an actual advocacy of drinking it when it got combined with the sort of “crunchy” “paleo” pseudoscience “health nut” movements.
I feel like it used to be a super far left thing but the spectrum is a horseshoe as I’m sure you know. I also think it comes a bit from the prepper community which tends to be “libertarian”
I grew up drinking raw milk because we were milking 50 head of cows every day. Why make a 50 mile round trip to buy something we 500 gallons of right there in the yard. No one died or even got sick from it. Is it better for you? I don’t know or care. It’s what we had and the price was right. And it’s VERY unlikely any of you would actually want to drink it. And this includes the magahats also. It tastes nothing like the stripped down and flash pasteurized milk you are used to.
That said, for the commercial milk you buy and drink, it’s an absolute must to pasteurize the milk. It’s going to take a week for that milk to get from the dairy to your refrigerator and you expect it last another week or two. And so food safety demands it.
In any case, it’s not illegal to drink raw milk. You just can’t sell it to other individuals. If you want raw milk all you need do is to simply get your own cow and milk it. Then you can drink it all you want.
Tastes better. Probiotic, so can be healthier. Risk is very low of contamination, low enough that the mandate for pasteurized milk was kinda overblown, but technically safer.
I find the posturing the funniest. Conservatives trying to act tough by drinking raw milk is hilariously tame. It’s like being proud of not wearing sun screen when mowing the lawn. Like, that’s arguably fine either way, but sunscreen is a little safer but…why would you brag about that?
Objectively not true. Zero actual evidence to support that. Also probiotic in itself is not a real thing and the only scientifically probiotic thing is fiber, any fiber because unsurprisingly to care for your bacteria you… need to feed and protect them not introduce more fuckboy dudes coming in trying to fuck shit up lol.
Oh please do go and fuck off. I’ve had to spend a ridiculous portion of my life reading the research on probiotics, and how they work is not entirely understood, but it’s a far better established idea than “[introducing] more fuckboy dudes” into the targeted ecosystem.
It’s attention seeking behavior. They blatantly break small rules with (usually) small risks to get a rise out of people. My 5-year-old does the same thing.
Need to kick things up a notch. What we really need is for scientists to start talking about how bad slitting your wrists is. That’s how you get attention.
Because our ancestors did it and they were strong Chads.