“Proton? Why the fuck would he be mad at a WINE fork…?”
“Proton? Why the fuck would he be mad at a WINE fork…?”
I don’t distrohop. Instead I just use what works for me and what I find comfortable.
You will eventually need to use the terminal. And it will be overwhelming at first. But eventually the learning curve flattens a little when you get more comfortable not breaking your system ;þ
Can’t comment
File extensions are, in essence, nothing but a convention. You don’t even need them in Windows, really (You can open a file with any program, for example, you will just not get anything useful from it). So it’s far from a big deal.
Joke’s on you I send them 52 at once so that I get a year ahead
Probably spelled “faks” in their mind
Bragging rights.
Someone will buy this thing.
Someone will hack this thing.
And this someone will make it open
It’s a subscription service for an airbag vest. They’d rather have you die than not pay for a product you already purchased. I’d say that whether or not there’s a mechanical failure, the billing department does want to kill poor people.
I couldn’t possibly care less about Docker Desktop. Portainer is a much better solution when graphical administration becomes necessary. (Which should be never)
Nazis do not deserve to live. I don’t see the problem.
I have never even heard that was a thing. Wow.
Trying to reason with right-wing extremists is now more impossible than ever. I’ve seen a dude defend medical bankruptcy as a concept. When trying to explain to them how inhumane that sounded, they called me a commie and starting on a pointless rant about trans people.
Another way to flex is to go on “programming” discord servers and shit on any sami-controversial take a 13y/o has there. /s
but where is your recognition of the tens of millions off bad command executions that happen in small IT shops every month?
A bad command execution in a small IT shop will only bring down a couple of websites at most. A bad command execution in large cloud providers can literally make significant portions of the web unavailable, just by the sheer number of services dependent on it.
The same applies for most of the “practical realities” you noted out: Redundant infrastructure can only work as well as the software running on it. The convenience is not worth the risk.
st all the way. Quick to launch and it works well
We have already seen the effects of over-reliance on a few CDNs and cloud providers: One bad push, one ill intentioned employee and potentially entire portions of the web might become unaccessible. That by itself should have been the end of this business model long ago
I get surprised every time I see this meme as I’ve been running arch for about 6 years and I have never experienced anything system-breaking after an update. I once had no graphics because Nvidia had stopped supporting the GTX650, and updating the driver made it stop working. But I have seriously never had any problems updating.
…Mind you, I do use CSM and GPT-BIOS (GRUB) because I am stubborn like that.
Funnily enough, when I upgraded from a SATA SSD to an NVME, I didn’t have to reinstall anything. Instead I just moved the LVM LVs to the NVME and rewrote the boot config. Just booted up from the existing installation without having to install anything.
Of course, tune2fs
reports the right age for the filesystem:
# tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/VolGroupSSD-ssdvol | grep created
Filesystem created: Thu Jun 16 10:33:49 2022 << This used to be the root fs, inside the SATA SSD
# tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/VolGroupSAT-satvol | grep created
Filesystem created: Mon Nov 14 14:13:49 2022 << When I bought the NVME and created a new VG just for the SATA drive
Also, AAA companies shouldn’t be able to ask for pre-orders and them deliver botched games that require terabytes of network traffic just to be playable. Physical media should be playable (decent framerate and seamless-enough gameplay) from the beggining.
That’s what I was going to say:
“CGPGrey is a very good channel, why is that video here though”
That’s assuming he’s informed and self-aware enough to notice it’s even happening.