Ever had a question about Linux but felt too afraid to ask? Well now’s your chance, ask any question about Linux, no matter how noob or repeated it is, and I and others will help answer them.
Previous noob question thread: https://lemmy.ml/post/14261893
What is something Linux related that you’ve learned recently?
As a meta question, could this work as an additional (or alternate) recurring discussion question? It felt similar in intent, to encourage people to keep learning / asking questions and chances are that if someone learned something then others will benefit from the information (or correct them)
After 26 years of using Linux, I did my first baremetal “immutable” distro install last week.
My youngest son is starting school and instead of the Chromebooks that they recommend, I took a chance and installed Fedora Silverblue on a $200 Lenovo “student-rugged” class laptop. Everything works and he hasn’t had any issues so far. He gets access to the same student platform as the other students through Chrome, but then I can install Minetest and Tux Paint and GCompris as well.
The older kids run Debian stable for years now, but if this works out, I might transition them over next semester.
The other day I learned that you can just grep an unmounted filesystem device. It will read the entire disk sequentially like it’s one huuuuge file. And it will reveal everything on that disk… whether a file inode points to it or not.
Used it to recover data from a file I accidentally clobbered with an errant mv command. It’s not reliable, but when you delete a file, it’s usually not truly gone yet… With a little luck, as long as you know a unique snippet that was in it, you can find it again before the space gets something else written there. Don’t even need special recovery tools to do it, just use dd in a for loop to read the disc in chunks that fit in RAM, and grep -a for your data.
No question here, just wanted to highlight that I use arch btw
If you’re not using GNU/Hurd are you even trying?
You should try NixOS, it’s pretty cool.
Don’t listen to this guy, use GNU Guix.
Real Linux users only use Hannah Montana linux. 😎
I use gentoo btw
Yes, good
But what init system?
Gentoo is great
OpenRC btw 😁
Is there a way to assess which packages on my linux distribution aren’t open source? I’m planning on having a secondary machine which is exclusively open source, but not sure how I would go about ensuring that is the case.
This would depend on the distro you use. Most distros will require you to enable a non-free repository before you can install anything that isn’t Foss or open source from the official repos. You could also use an FSF approved distro. Keep in mind, the FSF will only approve distros that don’t include any non-free anything in the official repos. Besides that, you just have to know the licensing before you install it.
Depends on the distro. Some have a configuration setting to allow unfree software or not, others have separate repos.
The language you want is “nonfree” in Debian derivatives.
Depends on the distribution, many package managers can filter by license. So you can find anything that doesn’t have an open source license.
For Linux enthusiasts, how do you decide which distro you would like to try out next among the plethora of options that are available? The difference I perceive between majority of distros gets smaller the more I try to understand about them.
What are the minimum issues I am likely to face using the most beginner friendly distro like Mint for programming and light gaming?
How customizable is the GUI in Linux Mint specifically? What if I want a start menu like Windows 10 with the app list and the blocky app tiles? What about those custom widgets I see in hardcore Linux users’ desktops?
I heard there is no concept of file extensions in Linux. How am I supposed to work on my projects that I imported from my Windows machine that do contain extensions?
Bonus: Who creates those distro icons in color coded ASCII in the system info command in the terminal?
- I usually stick with distros that have large userbases. I’ve tried smaller and niche distros before, and inevitably they stop being maintained, or move in a direction I don’t like. The larger distros like Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSuse, have more resources (people, time, money) to spend on testing updates, and have reliable update schedules. When I was younger I didn’t care about that kind of thing, but these days I use my PC almost exclusively for work 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, I need my PC to not break when I update it.
Another technique I use is to go to the vendor site for software I use and look at which Linux distros they officially support. Usually they will publish at least an Ubuntu package, sometimes a universal deb file that works on Ubuntu, Debian or Mint. Sometimes an RPM package for Fedora/CentOS too. This is getting less relevant these days with Appimage files and Flapak images that work the same across all distros.
It’s natural to get bored or frustrated with one distro and want to try out others. Imagine if Microsoft made many different flavours of Windows that each look and operate differently, everyone who is bored and frustrated with default Windows would be trying them all out, comparing them, debating the pros and cons, communities would form around common favourites.
I have a small gaming PC that I use to test out other distros, I’m currently on Nobara, that I actually highly recommend for a gaming-focused distro.
This one is really hard to say. It depends on so many factors like what hardware you are running, what software you plan to run, how tech savvy you are, even your definition of what is an issue. Mint is very stable and easy to use, you may run into zero issues getting it installed, running VSCode, playing some Factorio. Or you might run into a small incompatibility between your GPU and the bundled kernel drivers and run into a whole world of hurt spending days tinkering on the command line with no usable graphics driver.
I believe Mint still comes with the Cinnamon Desktop, that is specifically designed to be familiar and easy for users transitioning from Windows. It’s not super customisable, but I think it can do what you described. I’m not the best person to answer, I haven’t used Mint or Cinnamon since 2012.
File extensions are optional in Linux for some kinds of files. Linux usually tries to identify a file type using a “Magic string”, meaning it will read the first 8 to 16 bytes of the start of a file and will be able to tell with a great deal of accuracy what kind of file it is. Executables, drivers, shell scripts, and many others use this method and do not need a file extension. You can definitely still use extensions though. Eg, libre Office will still save documents with a doc extension (.odt). Often Linux will use a combination of both the magic string and the file extension to determine the file type. Eg, the magic string identifies it as an open office file, and the extension tells you it’s a document kind of office file.
Your Linux photo editor will still save images with a .png or .jpeg extension, because these are the convention (and may be required if you will be opening those files on a different OS). Similarly, your project files created on Windows will still work fine on Linux (if the equivalent Linux app supports that file format).
For #2,
For gaming, if you use steam, you may not face more than the following:
- game does not work with no well known way to resolve. You can find this out by checking protonDB
- game does not work because it needs to enable some options. Very easy to fix, and you can find the options on proton db for each game.
- does not work because you didn’t setup steam right. You often need to enable proton, which in short is steam’s emulator or windows
- does not work because your gpu drivers did not install. This depends on distro and they should all have a guide on how to do it, but usually it is just a matter of installing something.
For programming, you will love your life because everything programming is way easier on Linux.
I rarely distro hop. I used Linux Mint for a solid decade. I’ve made the jump to Fedora KDE pretty much entirely because Wayland support is the farthest along here, and that enables me to use more features of my hardware such as two monitors at different refresh rates, Freesync, etc. I did come to the conclusion awhile back that there’s a lot of pointless distros out there, a lot of them are just “I want this particular permutation of default software.”
Assuming you’re currently a Windows user, I think the main issue you’re going to face using Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition for “programming” is going to be general culture shocks. Using a package manager instead of heading to the browser, stuff like that. “Light gaming” depending on what you mean by that could be no trouble at all or dealing with some hiccups involving Nvidia’s imperfect support. There are some games that require proprietary anti-cheat that doesn’t support Linux, Valorant is one of those that springs to mind.
Difficult question to concisely answer; Mint has a system they call “Spices” which include a series of applets and widgets you can add to the UI, choose them from a menu and then configure them. One of these is “Cinnemenu” which replaces the default Menu with a somewhat more customizable one, though you might struggle to exactly replicate the WIndows look and feel. Beyond that, you might look at Conky for your desktop customizing needs.
File extensions do exist in the Linux world but they’re not as important for making things work as it is on Windows. Some files, particularly executable binaries, won’t have extensions at all. A text editor might not automatically append .txt to a plaintext file, because it doesn’t want to assume you’re not writing a bash script or config file or something. But if you record a sound clip with Audacity or something it’ll add a .wav or whatever extension as appropriate.
Bonus: You probably mean Neofetch (or whatever we’re using since the developer of Neofetch has “gone farming”). Those are hard-coded into Neofetch by its developer.
I don’t distrohop. Instead I just use what works for me and what I find comfortable.
You will eventually need to use the terminal. And it will be overwhelming at first. But eventually the learning curve flattens a little when you get more comfortable not breaking your system ;þ
Can’t comment
File extensions are, in essence, nothing but a convention. You don’t even need them in Windows, really (You can open a file with any program, for example, you will just not get anything useful from it). So it’s far from a big deal.
For #1, I’ve made the realization that most distros are lightweight skins or addons on top of another distro. Most of the time, if you start with the base distro, all you have to do is install some apps, change some configurations, and suddenly you have that other distro. It is much easier than doing a reinstallation.
If you filter out all of these distros that only do a little on top of an existing, you’re left with a quite small number actually. I’d bet it’s less than 10 that are not super niche. Fedora, Arch, debian, gentoo, nixos are the big ones. There’s some niche ones, like void Linux and Alpine.
So I’d say if you try all of those, you don’t need to try any more 😁
For the #4, the file extension can be seen just as a note, a little tag that’ll help you (or anyone else that will receive your file) remember which program you should use to successfully open the file.
From the viewpoint of your computer, in fact, a file is just a sequence of bits and every program can open every file, only it will not be able to find what it expects and actually do something useful with it, just as you can open a book written in any possible language: in most cases you will unable to undestand it, in some others you will be able to read it without any problem.
The “concept” of extensions was than introduced to allow your file manager (Explorer for Windows, Finder for macOS, Dolphin for KDE or Nautilus for GNOME) to know which program to launch when you double click on a certain file through a simple association table (that you can edit in your system preferences).
In regards to Linux you can sometimes read that file extensions are not a thing, but this is just because in the commandline you launch a specific program that you personally point to a certain file, so there is no file manager that needs to guess which app should be launched to open the document you just double clicked on.
That said, I think that should be pretty clear that in a Desktop context (like in a Personal Computer) that double click on a file situation pretty much applies to Linux too, so extensions will be useful and respected by the file manager you’ll find installed in your distro of choice, even if it can use other heuristics when that is missing.
I’m afraid this answer isn’t 100% correct. There are ways to find out a file’s type beyond looking at an extension. For example, there are lots of file formats where all of the files start with a specific sequence of bites, known as a file signature (or as “magic bytes” or “magic numbers”).
You can try the
command line tool to check that you can find out a file’s format without resorting to its extension, and you can read the tool’s manpage to learn how it works.Yes, I know about them and always prove extremely useful every time I receive a file with a wrong/no extension and have little clue about its content. But since the question was about how OP could work with “files with extensions” produced in Windows, I wanted to help clarify what are they, why they are used and that files do not need to be converted or whatever to be opened in Linux as it can “work with them” just fine.
I’m on Linux mint 22 and my audio outputs don’t change automatically. When I plug in USB headphones, audio won’t output to them unless I manually change it in settings.
Also, why can’t I interact with the panel applets (on the right side) while I’m in game? For example: I’m playing a game, I plug in my headphones, I have to manually change the audio output so I hit the “windows” key to bring up the panel, but I can’t interact with any of the applets on the right side of the panel (I can’t select the audio icon and change settings from there). I have to search audio settings in the panel then alt tab to it. It’s really cumbersome
Fun fact: The “Windows key” (or “Command key” for Mac users) has its own generic name: the Super key!
Not trying to be a smartass here; I genuinely find it fascinating! :D
Some distros call it the Meta key.
I didn’t know that. Thanks!
Which distros, out of curiosity?
Fedora KDE does. I think it’s going to go with the DE rather than the distro, I bet Kubuntu also does.
I think dating back to the Space Cadet keyboard, Unix systems recognize 6 modifier keys: Shift, Control, Alt, Super, Meta and Hyper. It is my understanding that they choose to bind either Super or Meta to the “Windows” key (or the octothorpe whatever that thing is called key on Macs) and in practice it’s used as another modifier key, often with Windows-like functionality such as opening the Menu if tapped tacked on.
That is so weird. Haha.
Can you try
"pactl load-module module-switch-on-connect"
?It says “no valid command specified”
Did you enter the command line (especially
) correctly?“Pactl load-module” outputs “you have to specify a module name and arguments.”
I duck go’d that command and it seems like it’s for pulseaudio. The latest mint release uses pipewire for the audio server. Is the command different for that?
“Pactl load-module” outputs “you have to specify a module name and arguments.”
As I said in earlier comment, please run
"pactl load-module module-switch-on-connect"
exactly. Note thatPactl
are different commands and the former is invalid.Is the command different for that?
As the name suggests,
is a command for PulseAudio. PipeWire supports application written for PulseAudio, includingpactl
. Try"man pipewire-pulse"
to get further info.That seems to have worked. Tbf, your original comment displayed as “pactl load-module module-switch-on-connect” Which indicates 2 seperate commands.
Will it blend?
Depends on the hardware, but generally, yeah.
(It’s a joke)
I couldn’t get the Chuck Norris edition to blend, unfortunately.
I wanna install Linux on my Desktop as main OS after years of windows, last time I tried desktop was Fedora and Ubuntu back in the late 00s, back then all I remember is playing around with Gnome and KDE and compiz…
Most of what I know about Linux distros today is from memes…
How can I quickly learn about the best distro for my needs, (general use, some development, and some gaming, easy hardware support). With a toddler and demanding job, I don’t have too much time to just experiment with different distros and draw my own conclusions.
Thanks in advance.
Is it that much better to have a Desktoo Environment, on my desktop computer? I’m still halving it with Windows trying to get my games to run on arch lol
Can you elaborate on the issue you are having? Having a desktop environment is usually necessary to run games.
I don’t understand. Doesn’t every GUI OS have a desktop environment? Not just Linux distros. Like, isn’t the Windows Shell just Windows’s desktop environment?
I tried running i3, using the arch wiki for the nvidia package. It suggested just the ‘nvidia’ package for a 2080 TI. Launched steam with proton (forget the newest version at the time it was like last month). Nothing would happen when launching any game. Probably doing a lot wrong or something, sorry if this isn’t enough info. I did no logging.
First off, I’d recommend you use the nvidia-dkms package, because that can make upgrading kernels easier. Second, let me explain the hierarchy of GUIs on Linux. At the base level, you have the display server. In your case, you are using the X11 display server. The display server is at a very low level, and only handles the rendering of content. The three prominent display servers are X11 and Wayland. The second tier is the window manager. It’s pretty much essential, and it lets you move around windows, stack them, etc. You’re using i3. The third tier is desktop environment. The desktop environment is completely optional, and it controls things like taskbars, start menus, and system trays. DEs are not needed for computer use, but they can make things like customization easier.
In your case, I don’t believe your issue is with your window manager or display server, I believe it is with Steam or Proton. What game are you trying to play? Some games aren’t able to be compatible with Proton, unfortunately.
I have another bookmarked comment telling me to use that. Thank you for all the information. I guess my question was a little vague. I was just thinking a DE might be easier for my setup rather than a port of my laptop setup. I’m bookmarking this, too. I’ll give your advice a go the next time I find time to Bork my desktop again. Definitely never buying nvidia ever again.
I don’t think your GPU is the issue here as well, I think your game might not work. If you want to try and diagnose the issue, I’d be happy to help. First, add the following to your Steam game options:
PROTON_LOG=1 %command%
. Then, run the game. This will make a log file in your home directory, with the prefix “steam-” and then your appid. If you want to upload the log or paste the output here, I can try and look at it and try to help.That may be a while for me. But I will try to remember to swi g back around here and comment in like, a month or two lol whenever Recall is about to hit. I will admit, I tried to launch Sea of Thieves, Elden Ring, Cassette Beasts, and the Master Chief Collection, all which have really great scores on protondb. I chalked it up to inexperience at the time but I’ll run these log commands.
Alright, absolute noob here, I’m not particularly interested in computer science or an OS I have to obsessively research. First, how is gaming on Linux nowadays? I play a lot of games, most of which are not triple-A, so I wonder how accessible this is. Second, what distributions are accessible and still customizable? I have all kinds of peripherals I’d like to be able to use, speaker systems, midi controllers, etc.
Fellow Linux noob, just started using it earlier this year so if someone with more experience wants to weigh in, please do.
That said, gaming on Linux is pretty good. Steam’s proton makes most games playable out of the box, although it’s still a good idea to check Proton DB to see if any particular game you want to play is playable.
As for your other question, I’m not totally sure what you mean by accessible and customizable, but I don’t think any of your peripherals are going to be distro locked. The Arch Wiki is a pretty good resource for, well, everything, but most relevant to you for your peripherals (it also usually gives good information for any distro, not just arch)
Q1: Pretty good! Use ProtonDB to check what games work, and if you need to apply any fixes.
Q2: Linux Mint is the most popular choice for beginners, and it’s extremely easy to use. Other people choose Pop!_OS because it’s apparently better for gaming (I haven’t tried it). However, I think the best distro for gaming, while still being extremely stable, is Nobara (a distro based on Fedora Linux).
P.S: You can browse through the most popular distros here: DistroWatch
I can also recommend Zorin OS for a semi-familiar look with a very polished design. Switched to it as my first distro after ditching Windows for good.
About gaming, from my personal experience, it’s overall pretty straight forward. When issues happen, you just got to have patience to read through logs and search up on Google or similar any suspicious parts of the log. Worst part is usually DRM/anticheat, but from what I can gather, usually pretty isolated cases are problematic due to compatibility, usually requiring the devs to go out of their ways to make the DRM incompatible.
As for the distros question, perhaps Linux Mint? It trades off bleeding edge updates for the sake of stability. Just avoid the Debian-based variant of Mint for now as it’s still in beta.
I may be misunderstanding here and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong but I was of the understanding that Mint wasn’t a good gaming platform because of the fact it’s not bleeding edge
To my knowledge, besides the newest updates not necessarily being as stable, but also, other softwares that interact with it would need time to adapt themselves to be sure they’re as compatible as they were before. In a situation of constant updates, other software would always be on a situation of catching up, whereas updates that take a bit longer to land allow “for the dust to set down”.
It used to be that someone with midi controllers could be assumed to be technical enough to say “you’ll be fine, everything will work”, but most of the time nowadays software just automatically figures out stuff and you don’t have to go looking at the implementation chart and using midiox to see where you’re screwing up,
I’ve never seen an interface that didn’t work, but if you’re not comfortable troubleshooting midi signals then give it a shot and see.
What are you using midi for, a daw?
Is OpenRC meant to be faster than systemD as a process system? I’ve been thinking of spinning up some non systemD distros like Artix on a VM on a mini DELL tinbox.
I will say though, I am not an advanced Linux user as the distros I’ve used were :
Ubuntu Endeavour OS SpiralLinux (Easy Mode Debian)
Would I need to make configurations in openrc or can it just run without messing with it like systemD?
Thank you
My Ubuntu server (which has been working for a few years now) recently asked me in a full-screen prompt while updating something about GRUB. There was a list of partitions with just one element, which is the partition that GRUB os on. I was focused on something else so I just hit enter, but now I am really scared to reboot it. Is there any way to pull this back up or to double-check that everything is ok with the machine?
you can use grub-mkconfig to verify the grub config and rebuild it if necessary. i dont recall the exact syntax for your distro so I would look it up first.
Is it wise to go for arch to try linux for the first time?
First time Linux user you mean?
I wouldn’t recommend it, unless you can navigate the terminal well. When you install arch, it installs no desktop environment, only the ability to talk to a terminal.
It’s technically possible and very doable with some googling, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
Depends what your goals are. With Arch, you will need to closely follow a guide to get it installed, if anything goes wrong you will need to search through the Arch Wiki for answers. Arch has an insane amount of customisation options, you will spend a lot of time in the Arch Wiki learning about them. By installing Arch you will learn a lot about Linux. Is that your goal?
You will spend more time reading and learning, but come out further ahead than someone who first installs Ubuntu or Mint.
However if your goal is to simply install Linux on your PC to try it out, (if you don’t even know if you will like it, and don’t know if you want to learn it’s mechanics) then Arch wouldn’t be my first choice.
I’m using Arch, I love it. What’s absolutely bonkers is that the system belongs to you.
However, if you have never used Linux, it’s insane to try to install Arch. The online wiki is tailored for people with at least a decent amount of Linux knowledge.
As a noob, it will result in data loss, except if you’re already very familiar with terminals or are very fluent in IT.
You might want to try something more user friendly, as Zorin then come back to Arch when you want more power.
The arch wiki is difficult to use for beginners. Each page is single topic. It is not a guide. Using it daily, it takes at least a month to understand it well enough to “build your own guides”. If you want to do that kind of deep dive, jump on in. If not, you’ll have a better time using just about any distro other than arch.
BTW. If you do decide to take that route. Don’t become one of those miscreants who “uses arch btw” It’s a red flag for someone who doesn’t know wtf they are talking about.
Has anyone ever used the enterprise version of dbeaver? Does it do as good a job interfacing with nosql databases it does relational databases?
I’ve got one progam that I need for work that I cannot get to run on Linux. I’ve tried WINE on both Ubuntu and Zorin (and winlator for android). I have the installer exe file and try to launch with WINE but then nothing happens. Is that a program problem, WINE limitation, or something else? Is there a different program I should try to launch it?
How are you launching the exe with WINE? Try doing it via the command line if you aren’t already. That way you may get some more information about why it isn’t working. Its as simple as
wine path/to/your/exe
You could also try something like Bottles, which will let you use possibly newer versions of WINE without modifying your system’s WINE.
Using a different version of WINE/Proton could work. It may also depend on some extra utilities you need to install on your WINE prefix (Wine tricks is the tool to use for this). If that doesn’t work, the almost guaranteed to work option is a virtual machine running Windows. This comes with a small performance hit, but that may not be a concern.
I have an old (2017) Windows 10 box that is ineligible for Windows 11. Originally purchased to run my Oculus Rift, it now just streams YouTube and Twitch and plays some old Steam games and occasionally school related stuff (Lexia, Scratch, stuff like that).
I started thinking that, rather than worrying about an unsupported Windows OS on my network, I might upgrade to Mint or Ubuntu.
So, my question(s) is/are, how much of a hassle will such an upgrade be? Will I need to wipe the drive, or can I keep my files without having to back them up first? Can I run Windows games on Steam with Wine? Are there good 3D card drivers nowadays?
I’m reasonably versed in using Linux as a user, less so as an admin, in case that affects the way you answer.
Everything people are saying here checks out, but you might struggle with VR. I haven’t tried VR on Linux yet, but I’ve heard some things about support being pretty janky. Maybe others with experience can weigh in.
I’d be interested to see what people have to say regarding VR setup, but the Oculus gets little use anymore. I have a few games that were never ported to the newer, self-contained systems (I have a Quest 3), and we’ve downloaded a bunch of custom Beat Saber levels that I might feel bad about, but the sensors are a big enough pain to set up that I don’t know that I’d feel that bad.
Yeah, I’ve considered VR for a long while, but between the already existing headaches, and the Linux related headaches I’ve heard of, I’ll just wait until I’m retired for VR space games, VR racing, and VR porn. Hopefully it’ll get better before I’m dead.
Depends on how much crap you’re willing to put up with. It’ll all be worth it in the end! (Pro tip: disable secure boot in BIOS)
I wrote a whole guide on the two options, but then accidentally deleted my comment. You can either install Linux on another drive, or shrink your NTFS partition and install Linux alongside it. You can always access NTFS from Linux, but not the other way around (by default). If you don’t understand what I’m talking about, you should really look it all up. I would personally just backup and wipe, you can always reinstall Windows if you want to.
Have you heard of Valve’s Steam Deck? It’s a handheld gaming device that can play nearly every PC game, and it runs Linux! Valve made gaming on Linux an absolute breeze thanks to Proton. There are some popular games that don’t work, either because Tim Sweeney hates Linux (yes, really) or because the anti-cheat won’t accept Linux, but I only know about Destiny 2 and Rust that have that problem. Easy Anticheat works just fine, I play Apex Legends and Deep Rock Galactic with no issues!
If you have AMD, you don’t even have to think about it. Their drivers are part of the Linux kernel. Nvidia is not impossible to use, but you might have some issues. I experience random desktop environment crashes that I can only attribute to their drivers, but it only happens on startup sometimes, which is the least annoying it could be. If you choose a distro that doesn’t mind automatically installing non-free software, you probably won’t need to think about it either. The open source driver, Nouveau, works fine but performs awfully in games (or at least it did a year ago).
If you just want some clear instructions: backup your files, wipe your disk and install Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition. It’s easy peasy to use and getting the proprietary graphics drivers is only a few clicks away. Just configure your Steam games to run through Proton and you might not even tell the difference.
Thanks for the detailed explanation!