That’s my point. I knew y’all were wannabe terrorists for a while, but everyone kept denying/downplaying it. I now have several highly up voted posts to point at. I’m sure the denial will continue, but this a start.
That’s my point. I knew y’all were wannabe terrorists for a while, but everyone kept denying/downplaying it. I now have several highly up voted posts to point at. I’m sure the denial will continue, but this a start.
Hopefully people will start to see you for what you are soon.
At least y’all are being honest now. I was getting tired of being gaslit.
I bet this is a great tool. I wish the video had shown us how to plot something.
Why are the work reformists teamed up with the anti workers? If the work gets reformed, then the workers would be happier and do more work.
You mean in the kids section? I couldnt find any references to the adults section having books removed in the public libraries.
When you say ban books, do you mean removing them from a public school library?
Im not sure what you mean by prevent people from expressing themselves artistically in public. I’m happy to be enlightened.
When you say banning books, do you mean removing them from a public school library?
Cancel culture has nothing to do with free speech. One is people deciding not to support a company. The other is the government threatening to steal more of a companies money if that company doesn’t silence a person.
I still don’t understand how so many people equate the party that supports free speech with the Nazis, and equate the party that wants to disarm the poor with the freedom fighters.
NTA. She also didn’t disclose that she spoke another language until that point. Did she expect you to interrupt her conversation?
Sounds like a nice place!
Thanks for laying this out. You persuaded me.
…are you a Reddit admin?
Same. I only charge mine every other night to hopefully increase its lifespan. I hate buying new phones.
NTA. I could be missing a lot of context though. Tone and body language are important in those situations.
which brings it to 400 million if not more. That means they need to make at least $800 million to break even.
400 million spent means 400 million to break even, no?
Same. Everyone is sleeping on syncthing.
Graph89 was awesome. It emulated a TI-89. The interface was old, but the functionality was unmatched. Unfortunately it has not been updated to work with the new phone CPU architectures. If you are running an older phone I highly recommend trying it.