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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/BenjaminPablo on 2023-07-05 08:20:42+00:00.

I’m (38m), coworker (40f). Our company meetings close with a section open to suggestions. I don’t always speak, but did have something to add in the most recent one. It had nothing to do with this woman or her department, but after I finished she cracked a joke about my bald spot. Our staff is not timid about this kind of thing, it’s actually encouraged (it’s all in good fun). She has a “sassy” reputation, so I retorted and made a crack about how she dyes her hair to hide the graying. Everyone “ooohhheeeddd” initially. She got upset, and ran out. Then the meeting ended awkwardly. Now I feel horrible. AITA?