Just eat it with a yoghurt. I prefer sweet yoghurts but greek yoghurt is also nice some times.
I dunno. I just like müsli.
Just eat it with a yoghurt. I prefer sweet yoghurts but greek yoghurt is also nice some times.
I dunno. I just like müsli.
That is more than “Hey come here”.
If it’s “hey come here (look at this for 5 seconds)” it’s a completely different thing that him getting his knickers in a bunch because you’re not following his narrative when you’re taking care of the household.
The way you described it was more of him seeing something on the pc and asking you to come look or him asking you to come over and help him temporarily with something.
Not disregard household chores so that you can play his game in the middle of the night.
I would say it’s two different things completely.
I am sorry that I misunderstood the situation. I would also tell him to man the fuck up or there will be consequences. And the consequences would be you not doing his part of the dishes or his psrt of the laundry so that he will have to pick up the slack or however the hell you want to retaliate. Unacceptable. You deserve someone who appreciates you for whonyou are and what you do.
She still has the right to say “no”.
Why wouldn’t you want to see the stuff that the person you like wants to show you? If you don’t want to go why don’t you just say “no”? Your partner isn’t a villain for wanting to show you stuff. They either wants to make your day a bit better, share something they like with you or they might need help with something.
Because I really don’t get why you have to be anxious about “going over there”.
How is it obnoxious to say “hey. Come here”?
I think you alone might need some counseling. Because that is not healthy. Just enjoy the fact that your partner invests time, thought and energy in you by showing you stuff.
Weigh a small portion, count it, weigh a bigger portion and weigh to see if the weight/amount ratio stays about the same and then weigh the rest.
It would be a nice experiment to go out in public and make it into a social experiment.
Maybe have a glass box with Bezos amount of rice in it. Put a table cloth on top of it. Put a reasonable size pile of rice on the cloth lets say a tenth of his actual amount. And then ask people to pick up as many handfuls of rice they think Bezos has compared to the single $100k piece of rice. Then show them how utterly wrong they were.
Maybe their tea is weak.
Another dense citizen here. I ould say that you put it quite eloquently in your comment.
But direct the question towards them.
“Would googles new changes on their ad and user policy be affected by FTC data protection laws and GDPR or would they be in compliance”
Or something among those lines.
Technically they can use their picture as reference and maybe order a sticker with the settings printed.
I stopped using Reddit on the day of the blackout and I’ve been wasting my time with playing sudoku instead. I go on lemmy a few times a day because I switched out Jerboa on my RIF shortcut and I go on it out of boredom.
For some reaon my IP is banned om that forum.