The forum post you were referring to.
Lol, this Josh dude really thinks a week is Sunday-Sunday. So does that mean every Sunday is part of two different weeks?
Oh shit, more people join in. Does the dumb bodybuilder meme have a grain of truth?
Thank you, I should have linked the original as well.
For some reaon my IP is banned om that forum.
Are you Josh?
Oh my god I was going to post the same thread, but I instead highly recommend the mega64 reenactment of the bodybuilding forum fight:
That ruled.
Edit: 1 billion lions VS every pokemon is also up there
There was some Wikipedia article that was subject to a really long and intense conflict over whether it should have an infobox. I don’t remember the details, though.
I seem to remember the “feces” Wikipedia article made it onto a list of dumbest Wikipedia controversies, because it has endless debate about the authenticity of the poop photo used and whether a different, more realistic poop should take it’s place.