And places trees don’t grow?
And places trees don’t grow?
Why does it have to be cheaper? Why not both?
Streets in towns don’t count imo, unless you transport building to building you’ll need streets to walk on. The lane though is a fair point though, personally I wonder about intercity roads
Ok, but how about we do more than trees? Why are you on the internet when pre-linguistic grunting works just fine?
Or those weird stromboli I had with sauce inside. Felt wrong for stromboli
There’s also the times they tried to overthrow the governments of the places that took them in, one of which was Jordan fyi
I now have head Canon that Romulan ale is actually illegal because it has a bad decision making rate higher that tequila
I found Discovery’s biggest problem was being a different IP with Treks skin stretched over it
Why does reading this give me flashbacks to Earl in Big Guy and Rusty?
The original image makes me inclined to think it was originally a “lot lizards” joke
You first then, don’t volunteer the vulnerable to be your fodder
Never heard of the country Europe, continent maybe
I voted Harris, I’ll die under this you fucking ghoul
You chose a single city and literally one of the most corrupt back dealing regions in the nation, the system breaking down due to graft doesn’t mean clean water is a privilege.
Except it isn’t, you can’t really control certain factors regarding water flavor, hell the mile between my home and the place I stayed while my mother worked was enough for the well water to taste completely different. One was amazing, the other so hard with minerals I’m surprised it cause kidney stones
Nah fish have had hundreds of millions of years to evolve lungs, losers need to get with the times /s
Their point is most groups this hateful reject trans women just as violently as Cis men. This is a case of odd internal consistency and I’d give them points for it except for everything else
And that’s fine, some people like canned static. I happen to like deep fried bull testicles
Crt TV static in a can
The primordial code from the Quake engine in pretty much ever 3d game giggles at the passage of time