…genuinely don’t know what it’s supposed to be
can someone tell me I’m not up to date on the latest slurs anymore
You know it’s a real Debate™©® when there doesn’t even seem to be a topic of discussion??
like all they’re saying is these people will yell at each other and that will be enough for the people who buy tickets
I’ll bet I’m older than you
considering this is a thing exclusively a high schooler would say I fucking doubt it
Should be!
Here in the Netherlands it’s usually just made from like a powder bag thingy, but you can make it yourself by basically infusing like it’s tea but with anise seeds instead
idk what good ratios would be but you should be able to find recipes online
It’s warm milk (oat is best obv), sweetened and w/ anise
v good sleepy time drink too
Isn’t there still an r/cth subredditsimulator bot around lol
thank u jewish ppl for gay porn
they defederated us though :(
eta: like literally tho how do you even equivocate between literally running a red light and hitting someone, and literally just using an actual pedestrian crossing
death to America (incl Canada)
this is genuinely disorienting
funny thing is, it was monarchists who did it
like officially we were a republic at the time, though there was still some monarchical stuff happening around the title of stadhouder.
long story short, the stadhouder position is abolished under Johan de Witt, Orangists mad, a little fucky wucky (the Rampjaar, Dutch for slight oopsie) happens, Orangists still mad, decide to murder and eat the brothers De Witt
also youtube is very confused about whether it wants to give me the German or English title huh. Keeps switching between the two
fuck, I forgot how funny r/cryptocurrency is
still thinking about that christian apologist I saw the other day who was like “scientific racism is completely true, except I don’t believe in science”
Didn’t one of the Koch brothers die? That was pretty cool.
just fyi, her name is Cara Cunningham now
yeah it’s awful lol
idk how it even happened but literally only radlibs ever use it
whenever I hear someone use it unironically, I immediately assume they’re like a david pakman fan
do you condemn your circulatory system?!??